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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)
hi black,

I don't know why but since some days xperience boot screen is booting endlessly.

I have to press "back" to reach the home screen. My xperience version is 0.9.7


When will be available next release in the repositary?

This skin has always been one of my favorite, however with the metro interface it is just fantastic!
Just one question Wink:
I would like to change the links in the homescreen from new movies and new tv-series to movies and tv-series. So it just goes to the normal libraries!
Is that something i can change easily myself?
You can simply click on movies or tv shows in the top menu and it takes you to the libraries. But you can change that very easily, just look for the panel with id 501 and change the items to what you like.

Don't know.
(2012-04-28, 02:01)wolfodeiwolfy Wrote: hi black,

I don't know why but since some days xperience boot screen is booting endlessly.

I have to press "back" to reach the home screen. My xperience version is 0.9.7



It is solved since I install eden final again not a nightly
@Black A suggestion: you should change the progress indicator in the right bottom corner to include the text that XBMC shows usually. For example during scanning it should show the actual file read on the disk.

(2012-04-29, 00:30)fbi1970 Wrote: @Black A suggestion: you should change the progress indicator in the right bottom corner to include the text that XBMC shows usually. For example during scanning it should show the actual file read on the disk.


I was going to ask this exact thing. Right now I have to switch to Confluence every time I want to scan my library, which is annoying.
Why do you need to know what files it's scanning?
Because I want to see what it's scanning. It's fine if he doesn't want to add it but I'll find another skin.
Sometimes I get this bug bellow:


Highlighted one section, but show another, and content size a little smaller than a normal one.
I wish to have Rotten Tomatoes (user+critics) + IMDB both ratings display in skin.
(2012-04-30, 23:05)tinybutstrong Wrote: Sometimes I get this bug bellow:


Highlighted one section, but show another, and content size a little smaller than a normal one.

i have this regularly too
I find it usually remedies itself if you press up on your remote or keyboard a few times.
(2012-05-01, 17:39)thebearnecessit Wrote:
(2012-04-30, 23:05)tinybutstrong Wrote: Sometimes I get this bug bellow:


Highlighted one section, but show another, and content size a little smaller than a normal one.

i have this regularly too

disable mouse support
(2012-04-30, 16:32)Hitcher Wrote: Why do you need to know what files it's scanning?

To figure out at which point of scanning it is. On large libraries it's a must.
In video info dialog - > edit data is disabled.


Where I can download this addon for eden?

I wish to have Rotten Tomatoes (user+critics) + IMDB both ratings display in skin.
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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)14
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