Solved Option to Create Multiple Video Libraries
multiple libraries is already in - not sure about filtering. I only know that Montellese is working on something.
Any update on above. What exactly has made it into Frodo and is there a GUI to use this functionality?
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I'd be interested to know this as well
The features are there. There's no GUI way to add custom video nodes (wiki) (or just use smart playlists (wiki), which is what custom video nodes are based on) to the home menu in Confluence (default skin), but Confluence-MOD is there for those who want the Confluence look but with advanced options like that (pretty easy and can be all done via the GUI). You can use video library tags (wiki) to assist in populating those custom video nodes. Advanced library filtering (wiki) will work in custom video nodes and smart playlists.

I would suggest disabling the normal "TV Shows" and "Movies" options on the main menu and replace those with custom nodes/smart playlists as well. That way you can have, say "Kids videos" and then have a custom "TV Shows" that is everything minus "Kids videos". The normal "TV show" and "Movie" entries basically become "view all" options, if you want to keep them. Another neat thing that can be done is that the "adult" TV Shows can be their own library tag, so that a show can show up in both "Kids videos" and the "TV Shows" for adults (hey, some kids shows are funny as heck). Or whatever situation it might be.

The only thing is that we still can't really mix TV shows and Movies in a single node. You can use file view, and save a specific folder as a favorite, which can then be added as a custom menu item to some skins. File view can be used to show metadata, basically giving you the same look as the library view, but with everything organized manually in a folder (thus allowing TV shows and movies to be side-by-side).

I also suspect that as skins update for Frodo that we'll see some additional neat options, taking advantage of the full features of custom nodes, library tags, and filtering.
Thanks for the update. I believe that what you describe above, is yet another "hidden gem" in Frodo, which the far majority of user is not even using yet...

Any update whether it has been implemented in any skins?

How does this function work with the "recently added" add-on. Would it break its functionality or does the add-on reflect the smart-lists and show for example "recently added documentaries"?
Server: Asus Sabertooth Z77 | Intel Core i5 3.4 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 | 128 GB SSD, 82 TB (9 x 6 TB, 7 x 4 TB)
HTPC 1: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 2: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 3: Raspberry Pi
any update on this? .... this is the only thing xbmc needs ..if i could pay money to someone to make this happen i would
Wobbly, see my post here: . We basically now have this ability, but for it to really shine you need a skin that supports custom home items or automatically adjusts the video nodes.
Sorry to open an old Thread, but same here, i would like to be able to do the same, please give us the ability to add more libraries other then TV shows and movies, is it really not possible to let us create our own label ? and no i do not want to use play lists! i want it simple Smile i would love more categories, and sub categories not just Movies and TV shows PLEASE Smile

TV shows
Personal recored Movies
Adult Animations ( Simpsons family guy etc)
Children's Animations

rather then make it fixed why not give us the option to create new ones as we see fit?

other then that i would also like this

thanks for all your help and sorry to be annoying and like i stated im willing to pay for this. its not that im demanding things from a free software at all just would like that option please!

thanks !

*shakes fists and tells kids to get off his lawn*

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