Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Early preview of the new site for developers and clearlogo contributors
The new site is still some way off, but I have put up an early preview for devs and contributors (I say an early preview, but it is actually the live site) so they can stay up to date with progress.

The site will be in a constant state of flux until it goes live so expect things to break, never be in the same place twice and look completely different every other day.

For devs the ability to create API keys is ready and you can start to test the new APIs, currently the TV API is the only finished (probably still some slight tweaks, but pretty much done) but the movie and music APIs will be completed shortly

The new movie section is currently at a state where you can uplioad images to it and they can be approved, the other sections will be cleared when it goes live and replaced with live data, but the movie section will be ported as is.
To that effect I am hoping some people will jump on creating some images for the section so when it goes live there is already some content there.
If you are not either a developer wanting to integrate the new APIs or someone who wants to contribute art, please wait for the site to be released.

In order to test out the new site please contact me with your username on (you must be a user to test it), I will then reply with the URL and password you can use to access the site(this will be different to the password you use to login, as these are encrypted, however your user account will be added to the test site so you can login)
Get and request your ClearLOGOs / ClearART / TV Thumbs / Season Thumbs / Music ClearLOGOs / cdART / Artist Backgrounds / CD Covers from
Movie ClearLOGOs............AWESOME!!!!! Big Grin
Deano316 Wrote:Movie ClearLOGOs............AWESOME!!!!! Big Grin

Yes and we expect you to do some Wink
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Ha ha.....point well made!! Laugh

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Early preview of the new site for developers and clearlogo contributors0
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