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WIP revolve
(2013-01-11, 13:51)m_K_o Wrote: @ ronie

Cool... I see what you did there Smile
Still some minor flickering, but atleast it goes blank instead of showing wrong label.

Positive feedback from you guys and ronies fix just might have been enough motivation for me to continue ;-)

great Smile

this one should get rid of the last bit of flicker as well:
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Now we only expect you to finish the skin Smile
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Wow, I'm impressed. I really wasn't expecting the skin to be functional as of yet, but so far it looks really good. Please finish it m_K_o. It has great potential.

And good work ewequeone for resurrecting a long dead thread. Laugh
This skin looks awesome!

Pleas finish it and make it compatible with Frodo, and focus on Live TV first so i can use it on a daily basis Tongue
well, what to say...really impress,very new feeling...wow
this one deserve to be finished!!!
great work!

Nice work mate! Got some talent there..Good luck!
I'm with those that really really impressed. Concept is one of the few really original ideas among xbmc skins. Please, very please, finish it.
Just installed your preview...
I agree with the others...really impressive work with a lot of potential!

I hope you are motivated enough to finish this baby Big Grin
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Like this theme its between this and titan but didn't believe this would happen maybe bring in ratings?? and codecs??


Credit to reazorfx for icons of rating and codecs were just borrowed to prove proof of concept would personally change colours to white to match theme

OOOOH, me likey! Smile
Very cool. I tried the preview and I like the skin a lot. Keep up the great work, this is definatelly a very nice and different concept :-)
Yea have to say it is pretty impressive Smile
Well, now some necroposting... Smile

I liked that concept so much that i even tried to develop Revolve further when it was obvious that skin is abandoned. However reallife came winning with developing skin. So i decided to share my progress, may be it would be interesting for someone.

Skin is still very far from being finished. Movies/Tv Shows, Addons menu, Settings are mostly done, some basics done in Music. Didn't even started Pictures, Live TV, Weather, a lot of dialogs are still from Foundation. Obviously no support for fancy widgets like TV tunes, skin widgets, next episode etc. No setting levels and other stuff introduced in Gotham.

Thanks to the original idea and initial developer of the Revolve - ransomed and m_K_o, Hitcher for Foundation, ronie and other skinners whose code i studied and sometimes borrowed. Smile

Download: http://1drv.ms/1pOMW06
Thanks relyter

I'll test this out shortly,

I really hope another skinner can take what you've done and really flesh this out as I really love the concept.
Two years ago I saw the Revolve-skin, and I immediately loved it. I installed it on XBMC and I kept using it. I figured that noone was actively developing it, so, about a year ago, I started changing and hopefully improving Revolve. Two months ago, I saw relyter's post about his work on the Revolve-skin, and it inspired me to finally finish my own version of Revolve. And finally, here is my attempt to improve Revolve and to make it Gotham-compatible (although it lacks PVR-support). It only supports English, and it is not tested on tablets or on a Raspberry Pi, so the performance is probably terrible on those devices.

Changes that I've made:
- I tried to make the skin Gotham-compatible, and it seems to work pretty well on XBMC Gotham 13.2.
- I've added some new views and some new artwork. Some artwork is temporary and rather ugly.
- I redesigned all dialogs. The dialogs are rather boring, but they should be working properly.
- I added some of relyter's ideas (eg. setings windows, background art).

Things I plan to do in the future:
- I'm trying to get those great looking views that ransomed posted in this thread (currently the views look a bit bland).
- I'm trying to find the source of all the background pictures, to make sure that the skins license will be correct.
- I would love to incorporate some more of relyter's ideas (eg. panelview, better-looking addon browser).
- I'll migrate Revolve to Helix.
- I'll try to add PVR-support, although it will have to wait after the Helix-migration.
- I'll optimise the skin, although I don't know yet what optimisations really matter.
- There are probably plenty of bugs to fix.

Here are some screenshots:





I'm trying to find out where all the background pictures in the Revolve-skin came from, so that I can check the licenses for these pictures. Many of these pictures were part of other XBMC-skins, but I couldn't find the origin of some of the pictures that were already included in Revolve. The pictures from unknown origin are these background images:
- tvshow.jpg
- music.jpg
- favourites.jpg
- shutdown.jpg

Revolve is the first skin I've ever worked on. It is probably buggy, badly written and it's certainly not perfect, but I hope that you'll try it. If you find anything worth improving, please let me know.

Revolve 0.1.0 download: - no longer available -

Thank you, ransomed, mKo, and relyter, for your great ideas for this skin! And thank you, Hitcher and Jezz_X, for the Foundation skin!
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