[RELEASE] Multi Documentary Streams - video add-on
Thanks very much for this, I like it much better than then one you made for just Top Documentary films Smile
I am trying to access James Burke's Connections series, which shows up in tocdocumentaryfilms.com but I can't seem to locate by searching [see there's a problem there] or browsing via the plugin. I've looked through categories of history and technology and science to the end....either overlooked or simply wasn't there.

Am I missing some key lib file or other configuration? I'm using ubuntu 11.10. If I can manually add this to a favorites list or config file, that'd work great too. http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/james-burke-connections/

Thanks in advance!
I love this plugin, is it still being maintained though, i still get documentary wire error.
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Great plugin, but it seems outdated even for top documentry site it doesnt load all too well Sad
The plug-in might need some maintenance?
Just fyi, but I did encounter issues with the DocumentWire one, and many of the feeds I quickly tried to review were very low res?
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I have been using this addon for some time now. I have always had problems with Documentarywire. I just checked and I can only get results when I choose list all.
I think this is a great addon and wish some new support would come along, or even release the code for others to work on.
(2012-09-08, 04:45)dkplayaclub Wrote: I have been using this addon for some time now. I have always had problems with Documentarywire. I just checked and I can only get results when I choose list all.
I think this is a great addon and wish some new support would come along, or even release the code for others to work on.
Did you get the lowest resolution(240P) for almost every stream? The settings in this plug-in seems not working properly.
I love this addon....but I have to ask is it still being maintained?
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Any chance someone is willing to help bring this addon back to life?
It still works for me and I use it from time to time. Even with the problems it has, it still delivers a good amount of content. I wish someone with some coding skill would fix it up.
In the meantime, does anyone have any suggestions for other add-ons or sources for documentaries?
is someone going to breathe some life back into this gem, I loved using it when it was functional...if I knew what the meat and potatoes of this bad boy were I would take a look at it, but I have no idea what is going on. Got my fingers crossed that this one will make a comeback.
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Proper Usage of a debug log
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[RELEASE] Multi Documentary Streams - video add-on0
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