[RELEASE] Multi Documentary Streams - video add-on
Video add-on to watch documentaries from various sources.

Watch documentary content from (at the moment) the following websites:
  • Top Documentary Films
  • Documentary Wire
  • Documentary Stream
Based on nixa's work on the TopDocumentaryFilms add-on.

Instructions Issues
Not all video hosts that the websites use are working yet with the add-on.

Let me know if you have any issues or suggestions.

Tested on:
Linux Mint 10/64-bit - XBMC PRE-11.0
Windows XP/32-bit - XBMC 10.1
great job! why not add the repo here?

Consider enabling the full use of Video Library view modes. For example "Fanart" view in Confluence does not have the "info" part.
ATV2 4.3 8F455 Seas0npassed / XBMC 11
Samsung HT-P70 5.1 / Samsung WS-32Z419P

Any chance you would add or collaborate with the Docuheaven created (Jbel) to add those sources in as well.

This is fantastic work and sincerely appreciated! Nod really looking forward to additional expansion of sources.

Well done and thanks again Smile
thanks for sharing, nice....
This Video add-on doesn't work for me with ATV2 Sad
thanks for putting this together.
Proper Usage of a debug log
If I managed to help you in any way, please add to my reputation
I am confused. I downloaded the repository file or whatever and it installed from zip into XBMC saying it updates something (something I don't know where it is). The other file linked there will not install.
The next step says get the add-on. Ok? What addon? Where? I can't find the top documentaries add on anywhere. Is that the one I need or is this an all new add on?
Thanks in advance for any help. This looks so cool, but I'm stuck here.
dkplayaclub Wrote:I am confused. I downloaded the repository file or whatever and it installed from zip into XBMC saying it updates something (something I don't know where it is). The other file linked there will not install.
The next step says get the add-on. Ok? What addon? Where? I can't find the top documentaries add on anywhere. Is that the one I need or is this an all new add on?
Thanks in advance for any help. This looks so cool, but I'm stuck here.

Multi documentary streams is a seperate plugin, top doc is the old one.
once you have installed the repo you can find it under add ons, add on repositories and then find the repo in the list.
force update by right clicking on the repo name then restart xbmc.
Now look for the plugin in repo folder and installWink......
WOW!!! I was pulling my hair out on that one and, as usual, it was something rather obvious. Now my only issue is that there is no thumbnail image for this plugin (or at least it's not showing up). Can I assign something of my own if I want so it sticks out in my add on list?

Also. Documentary Wire will only let me list all. Everything else comes up with an error.
I'm glad you got it working =)
I've noticed the Documentary Wire error, and I am working on it.
Hopefully I'll release a fix this weekend, including a thumbnail image.
I can't wait. This is a really cool add-on. The more quality choices I can give my guests, the more fun this program becomes when I have company.
Sounds great. Looking forward to trying this out.
Averre Wrote:I'm glad you got it working =)
I've noticed the Documentary Wire error, and I am working on it.
Hopefully I'll release a fix this weekend, including a thumbnail image.

You are a true gent fine sir!
Thank you all for the kind words =)

I've released a new version and XBMC should update it by itself.
However, if it doesn't automatically update, try forcing an update.
Instructions on how to force an update can be found in the wiki pages of my repository: http://code.google.com/p/averre-xbmc-repo/

Version 0.6.7
  • Fixes to DocumentaryWire
  • Added icon.png

Unfortunately the DocumentaryWire website is having some issues with "Top Rated" category, and with the "Search" function. So in the meantime they won't be working.
The other categories work however.

The icons I've created need some improvement. But I don't have much free time to improve my photoshop/gimp skills.
So if anyone feels like contributing with some artwork, they are more than welcome to it, and I would appreciate it a great deal.
So send me the images by e-mail and if I like it, I'll include it and give you credit in the changelog Wink

  • The background image should be 16:9 format (1280x720 or 1920x1080) JPG.
  • Icons should be 256x256 PNG images.
See the XBMC guidelines for more information: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Add...for_images


Tested on:
Linux Mint 10 64-bit/XBMC 11.0-BETA2
Windows XP 32-bit/XBMC 10.1
Thumbs Up 
Averre Wrote:Thank you all for the kind words =)

I've released a new version and XBMC should update it by itself.
However, if it doesn't automatically update, try forcing an update.
Instructions on how to force an update can be found in the wiki pages of my repository: http://code.google.com/p/averre-xbmc-repo/

Version 0.6.7
  • Fixes to DocumentaryWire
  • Added icon.png

Unfortunately the DocumentaryWire website is having some issues with "Top Rated" category, and with the "Search" function. So in the meantime they won't be working.
The other categories work however.

The icons I've created need some improvement. But I don't have much free time to improve my photoshop/gimp skills.
So if anyone feels like contributing with some artwork, they are more than welcome to it, and I would appreciate it a great deal.
So send me the images by e-mail and if I like it, I'll include it and give you credit in the changelog Wink

  • The background image should be 16:9 format (1280x720 or 1920x1080) JPG.
  • Icons should be 256x256 PNG images.
See the XBMC guidelines for more information: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Add...for_images


Tested on:
Linux Mint 10 64-bit/XBMC 11.0-BETA2
Windows XP 32-bit/XBMC 10.1
thank you

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[RELEASE] Multi Documentary Streams - video add-on0
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