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XBMC's Piracy Stance: Draft

That's how it must feel like Big Grin
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Good timing.

spoyser Wrote:Indeed it is just a fraction, in fact Navi-X provides a many more sources of illegal stuff to download, if anything it is a worse offender than the Icefilms plugin.

Are you saying that if the Icefilms plugin also provided access to legal streams such as the Abbey Road and Niagra Falls webcams, then it would be okay?

This difference in stance between these 2 plugins alone goes to show that this policy simply isn't going to work and need a rethink.

You keep up claims like that and you might just see all file lockers go missing from Navi-X.

Be careful what you wish for... you just might get it.

TugboatBill Wrote:And it's a good example of why this thread was started. We don't want the same thing to happen to XBMC!

Not to be a conspiracy nut, but do you really think that XBMC would be safe if the MPAA decided to tell the government to go after it?

MU abided by DMCA takedown notices and co-operated with rights holders, and they were shut down for "piracy".

There are no rules you can follow when it comes to this. They're out of control.
TerranQ Wrote:Not to be a conspiracy nut, but do you really think that XBMC would be safe if the MPAA decided to tell the government to go after it?

MU abided by DMCA takedown notices and co-operated with rights holders, and they were shut down for "piracy".

There are no rules you can follow when it comes to this. They're out of control.

Of course XBMC won't be safe, but with a decent anti piracy policy the chances of a takedown go down. With the current mentality the MPAA/RIAA has, no web site will be safe. All they need to do is get their anti-piracy bill(s) passed and the US portion of the internet will change for the worse. What I've read PIPA is now dead. SOPA isn't and even if it does die the MPAA/RIAA won't stop. They will just make a few changes and voila! a new bill.
TugboatBill Wrote:Of course XBMC won't be safe, but with a decent anti piracy policy the chances of a takedown go down. With the current mentality the MPAA/RIAA has, no web site will be safe. All they need to do is get their anti-piracy bill(s) passed and the US portion of the internet will change for the worse. What I've read PIPA is now dead. SOPA isn't and even if it does die the MPAA/RIAA won't stop. They will just make a few changes and voila! a new bill.

A decent anti-piracy policy like the DMCA, which MU followed?
getting off topic now, stay focused please.
I was also raided today. Several sexy female FBI agents came to my apartment and padded me down in a personal search. Later I was forced to comply with a strip search/tickle fight. Come to think of it, I never asked to see ID, or why they were there...
Ned Scott Wrote:I was also raided today. Several sexy female FBI agents came to my apartment and padded me down in a personal search. Later I was forced to comply with a strip search/tickle fight. Come to think of it, I never asked to see ID, or why they were there...
Then you woke up, right? Laugh
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ashlar Wrote:Then you woke up, right? Laugh

... All sticky
TerranQ Wrote:Not to be a conspiracy nut, but do you really think that XBMC would be safe if the MPAA decided to tell the government to go after it?

MU abided by DMCA takedown notices and co-operated with rights holders, and they were shut down for "piracy".

There are no rules you can follow when it comes to this. They're out of control.

IceFilms stored thousands of illegal files on MegaUpload and nobody took them down. So how exactly was MU abiding to the DMCA ?
GreenEyez Wrote:IceFilms stored thousands of illegal files on MegaUpload and nobody took them down. So how exactly was MU abiding to the DMCA ?

MegaUpload did comply. If they received a takedown request the files would be removed. This is why icefilms used captcha's. It prevents film studios from using bots to detect illegal content. This limited the number of takedown requests because they couldn't use an automated system to detect illegal content.
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meh who cares, sites like icefilms were never going to last. same thing happened with ninjavideo, it got too popular then got shut down.

i can guarantee there will be another site that rises and becomes popular and everyone will forget about icefilms and move on....and then that site will get shutdown!

but this is going off topic, id be happy with developers making addons from legit sources that will last longer.
Whew. Just like all that fad 'torrenting' stopped when ******** was taken down.

Trying to stop piracy is up there with drug prohibition. It doesn't work. Spend your money elsewhere.
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