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Indeed (with the possible exception of 1Channel, which I think sprang up afterwards). And then we kicked them out... well over a year ago. And in the past 18 months we've said, over and over again, that they are dangerous and probably illegal addons that people simply should not use. If people haven't gotten the message after 18 months, then maybe it's because somebody else is sending the exact opposite message.
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Joined: Jun 2013
I am going to say this and be bloody honest most people me included are only interested in the pirated content so all my apps apart from ice films and the highways repo now all come from the dev foundation it was all a smoke screen about the add all that will happen is that people will move to the other sites and stop using the hub and if the providers are based in china etc you can just forget it there will be far more people searching for the pirate content than official ,why do you think all the most poplar and best sites have buggered off .
And that is it channel 1,and ice films will jump ship and go with mash up and the rest so all that will happen is the hub will be left with all the stuff you can get anywhere so there be no point in having it also i am bloody pissed off with the American fact or what ever they call them selfs trying to police the globe , i am more than happy to say i watch ,pirate content and dont have a problem with it so a big 2 fingers to xbmc hub ,i just will not use you and to all the people that say stop the pirates bet you miss mash up and the rest and you can bet you ass 1 channel and ice films will follow so you have solved nothing
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Punctuation is not a crime. Stop the insanity!
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Posts: 173
I guess he missed the sticky at the top too.