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[Discontinued] NHL Gamecenter Addon

this is my log for the gamecenter.py crash.

the app USED to work however.
iOS XBMC users PLEASE use the advanced search function before starting a new thread. Make sure to click on 'XBMC for iOS Specific Support' so your results are narrowed down correctly.

Please make sure to visit the Sticky section for common issues/questions/etc. Also, XBMC for iOS information
There was a user that had exactly the same error:
(2013-02-05, 01:13)mattmbk Wrote: Ah, figured it out. I'm using DNSMasq on my router to view blacked out games. If I turn that off it seems to work.
Addon was buffering like crazy tonight. Tried several games and would buffer every minute. I don't think it was my network or the servers because on apple TV there didn't seem to be any problems...

Edit: must have been a server or network issue as it seems to have fixed itself. Btw, thanks for a great addon. What has made the video so good this year? Is it the 60 fps, or did they have that last yr?
have just installed this but also getting some buffering issues through the addon, no problems through PC browser. aside from that it's great
It buffers all the time for me now. I have a very fast connection. The mlb app easily streams at over 4 Mb/s with no buffering issues. Also, the apple tv doesn't buffer. I tried going down on the speed in the app but the only way to stop the buff would be at 1600 which looks pretty bad. I'm frustrated because this app used to be so badass. I would stream at over 4 Mb/s with no problem. Not sure what the problem is, NHL? but can't use this app anymore.
(2013-04-14, 05:23)jayman13 Wrote: Addon was buffering like crazy tonight. Tried several games and would buffer every minute. I don't think it was my network or the servers because on apple TV there didn't seem to be any problems...

Edit: must have been a server or network issue as it seems to have fixed itself. Btw, thanks for a great addon. What has made the video so good this year? Is it the 60 fps, or did they have that last yr?

The new 4500kbps 60 FPS streams are what make it look so good and those are new this year AFAIK. Previously the best you could do was 3000kbps 30 FPS streams. 30->60 FPS is a really noticeable improvement and the difference between choppy web video and broadcast-quality video IMO.

That being said, the GameCenter Live streams buffer so much that I consider them unusable at this point. The streams you get via a web browser are OK (although limited to 30 FPS) but the ones you get via XBMC addon/PS3/Xbox just seem to be overloaded and useless.
(2013-04-18, 16:48)parker Wrote: [quote='jayman13' pid='1396310' dateline='1365909822']
That being said, the GameCenter Live streams buffer so much that I consider them unusable at this point. The streams you get via a web browser are OK (although limited to 30 FPS) but the ones you get via XBMC addon/PS3/Xbox just seem to be overloaded and useless.

i have the same issue. on my 360, some streams buffer like mad. on the atv, its fine. with this addon i have no idea since the addon has stopped working entirely and not a clue why.

regardless, i think its an issue with gamecenters stream not so much the apps itself. my guess is atv uses different streams from the console counterparts.

UPDATE: on a side note, i resolved my issue with the gamecenter.py problem. had to do fresh installs (remove xbmc folder containing userdata/etc). not sure what caused the problem inititally but a fresh start seemed to have fixed it for now.
iOS XBMC users PLEASE use the advanced search function before starting a new thread. Make sure to click on 'XBMC for iOS Specific Support' so your results are narrowed down correctly.

Please make sure to visit the Sticky section for common issues/questions/etc. Also, XBMC for iOS information
I don't know if this will help anyone else or I was just too slow to figure it out. I recently installed xbmcUbuntu and couldn't figure out why this addon was buffering so much but on my apple tv and raspberry pi it worked great, nary a buffer. For some reason the xbmcUbuntu was using a DNS server 208.xxx.xxx and not my default dns server on my router. Once I figured out how to change this behavior in xbmcUbuntu the addon is awesome and it does not buffer. Truly looks like live TV and not in between.
I find the same thing as most others with respect to buffering. At 4500kbps the video stream looks awesome but is often buffering. At 3000kbps I don't get buffering but the video quality is much worse and even a little choppy. Hopefully next year the servers will be better and we'll be able to watch at 4500kbps normally. That quality really is fantastic and rivals HD television.

Either way, thanks for the addon.
I've noticed that if you change the options to display @ instead of Vs. the plugin doesnt amend the title of games which are preceeded with LIVE, 1st, 2nd, 3rd or FINAL.

Just a little thing but I thought you'd like to know!

(2013-04-18, 16:48)parker Wrote:
(2013-04-14, 05:23)jayman13 Wrote: Addon was buffering like crazy tonight. Tried several games and would buffer every minute. I don't think it was my network or the servers because on apple TV there didn't seem to be any problems...

Edit: must have been a server or network issue as it seems to have fixed itself. Btw, thanks for a great addon. What has made the video so good this year? Is it the 60 fps, or did they have that last yr?

The new 4500kbps 60 FPS streams are what make it look so good and those are new this year AFAIK. Previously the best you could do was 3000kbps 30 FPS streams. 30->60 FPS is a really noticeable improvement and the difference between choppy web video and broadcast-quality video IMO.

That being said, the GameCenter Live streams buffer so much that I consider them unusable at this point. The streams you get via a web browser are OK (although limited to 30 FPS) but the ones you get via XBMC addon/PS3/Xbox just seem to be overloaded and useless.

I previewed the GameCenter Live and this add-on at the beginning of the season, but opted to stay with NHL Center Ice on DirecTV due to the quality difference. When I tested it, live games were at 30fps and archived stuff was at 60fps ... From your post, I am taking it that live games are now also 60fps... is that correct? I am looking to keep my options open for next season, and if they are putting out 60fps feeds I may want to re-evaluate this again.
They are at 60 fps for live games and looks fantastic when working. Hopefully they fix their server issues but I've been lucky for the last few days. I was very surprised to see them ahead of the game compared with MLB...
(2013-04-23, 16:20)sdsnyr94 Wrote:
(2013-04-18, 16:48)parker Wrote:
(2013-04-14, 05:23)jayman13 Wrote: Addon was buffering like crazy tonight. Tried several games and would buffer every minute. I don't think it was my network or the servers because on apple TV there didn't seem to be any problems...

Edit: must have been a server or network issue as it seems to have fixed itself. Btw, thanks for a great addon. What has made the video so good this year? Is it the 60 fps, or did they have that last yr?

The new 4500kbps 60 FPS streams are what make it look so good and those are new this year AFAIK. Previously the best you could do was 3000kbps 30 FPS streams. 30->60 FPS is a really noticeable improvement and the difference between choppy web video and broadcast-quality video IMO.

That being said, the GameCenter Live streams buffer so much that I consider them unusable at this point. The streams you get via a web browser are OK (although limited to 30 FPS) but the ones you get via XBMC addon/PS3/Xbox just seem to be overloaded and useless.

I previewed the GameCenter Live and this add-on at the beginning of the season, but opted to stay with NHL Center Ice on DirecTV due to the quality difference. When I tested it, live games were at 30fps and archived stuff was at 60fps ... From your post, I am taking it that live games are now also 60fps... is that correct? I am looking to keep my options open for next season, and if they are putting out 60fps feeds I may want to re-evaluate this again.

Yes, GCL offers 4500kbps 60fps streams of live games now. Looks great when it works, but it almost never works and tends to buffer constantly.
Hi There,

Kinda new here. Carbs, absolutely love this add-on. It works flawlessly for me for months.. up until about 2 months ago. Live and condensed games all do the same thing. They start with about 15 seconds of slow motioned video but audio is fine, then the audio starts to skip like a broken record. I'm using an AppleTV 2 with great internet connection. I re-installed the add-on many times. I've rolled it back to previous versions. I've been following this thread since it happened looking for anyone with the same problem. I restored my apple tv, jailbroke again, installed XBMC and recent version of the add-on... Same exact problem. I don't get any script failed messages and the games load fine but the same issue happens.. every game, condensed, live or archived. This add-on is basically the only thing I watch! Anyone have any ideas?? Thank you.
(2013-04-25, 18:34)spalmeriv Wrote: Hi There,

Kinda new here. Carbs, absolutely love this add-on. It works flawlessly for me for months.. up until about 2 months ago. Live and condensed games all do the same thing. They start with about 15 seconds of slow motioned video but audio is fine, then the audio starts to skip like a broken record. I'm using an AppleTV 2 with great internet connection. I re-installed the add-on many times. I've rolled it back to previous versions. I've been following this thread since it happened looking for anyone with the same problem. I restored my apple tv, jailbroke again, installed XBMC and recent version of the add-on... Same exact problem. I don't get any script failed messages and the games load fine but the same issue happens.. every game, condensed, live or archived. This add-on is basically the only thing I watch! Anyone have any ideas?? Thank you.

Sounds like it may be an audio issue. Have you tried changing audio settings to see if anything changes?
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[Discontinued] NHL Gamecenter Addon14
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