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(2014-02-27, 07:48)Swiper the Fox Wrote: anyone seeing random wavy/blurred areas come up, then move down a bit and disappear
wish I could explain better....... almost like an interference
I thought I was possibly the feed before, but happens on all the games today and don't matter if its home or away

they are noticeable but livable when watching..........just wondering what it may be

Not sure if we're talking about the same thing, but, I have noticed (starting before the break, actually) that some feeds seem to be applying some kind of edge-enhancement. I see a white-ish halo-ing around sticks, the puck, and letterforms on the board ads. I first thought I was seeing it when I was stuck watching through the GCL website, but it becomes REALLY noticeable (to me anyway) at the 4500kps. Anybody else seeing that from the feeds?

Not an Addon issue, of course, but I figured worth asking here since you're all watching the same feeds I am.

EDIT: I should add that while I notice it in many feeds, last night it was the DET@MTL Home feed @ 4500k. And I should also add that I love the navigation change to make getting to last night's games quicker, love it.
Live games aren't working for me with the newest version. Anyone else?
Same here Sad
Great for me today. Gotham build from git.
Sorry, didn't read the bit about Gotham until now. Working fine on Gotham...
I had some trouble with this recent 0.6 version on OUYA at first using Feb 6th nightly of Gotham, but after uninstalling 0.6 and installing to the latest nightly build (Feb 26th I think) and re-installing 0.6 all worked and it kept my settings!

Watched two full games streamed in 720p @4500mbps with one small buffer lasting 10secs.

Carb0 you are the best!!!
Hi folks,

Probably just me but i'm only getting audio no video. Any ideas?
I'm now getting a "Visualization: OpenGL Spectrum Add-on could not be loaded. An unknown error has occurred." error. I'm running OpenELEC XBMC 13.0-ALPHA12 Git:5cd779b on my raspberry pi

Hi, I am getting "script failed!: gamecenter.py" every time I try to log in. My ATV 1 has Crystalbuntu 2 on 12.3. Please help!

I am getting an error when launching this. "Script Failed!: NHL Gamecenter" How do I troubleshoot this?
For those of you using tunlr to spoof your location, I recently found out that tunlr has shut down and their DNS no longer responds.
Thanks. I'll look into this issue.

@Seismic Wave
Are you able to play local videos? It looks like you need to change the video settings in XBMC.

@JohnnyVBC and comfox1
If you get a "Script failed" message, always post a debug log. Most people that get an error when trying to log in, use a proxy or something similar that causes problems.
Turns out it's my XBMC install, won't play any video only audio.

I'll need to try a different nightly build.

Working great here on Gotham on OUYA!

Thanks for all your hard work, Carb0!
Hey everybody!

First of all: Thank you to Carb0 and everybody working on XBMC for providing this great service. It absolutely kicks the living hell out of the regular Gamecenter App! Also a big thank you to this community that has so far solved every problem I ever had without me even asking for a solution! Great stuff! I now have my system dialed in to the point where the quality is what it´s supposed to be, so I´m ready for some play-off hockey. Wink

Little question for ya: Some of you guys mentioned watching games in 4500 quality. I also have the option available but never found a single game that actually delivers that quality. Is there a problem with my setup or are there simply not many games with this option available at this time? If the last one applies, can anyone name me a game with 4500 quality so I can get a peak.

Thanks in advance!
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