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[Discontinued] NHL Gamecenter Addon
4500 is the same as 3000 except it's 60fps. Works great on Sens feeds.
Ah, ok. Pretty radical difference. Although on the official browser app, it kinda gets lost in the Flash-induced slide show you get...

Would be awesome if they jump to 1080 resolution at some point. Man, I love the future! Wink
I am all fixed up now...Log was showing that httplib2 was missing...not sure why but once put back it is now working...thanks all.
I'm having issues playing live games. I always get an error saying that an item failed to play and to check the logs.

I pulled this verbose log from XBMC. http://pastebin.com/xqyVgGT1

I think it's because it's adding the useragent to the url, but I'm not sure how to fix this.

I'm running version 0.6.0 on XBMC Gotham Beta 1 on Windows 7 64bit.

Does anyone know why it's not working? All other videos work fine, it's just the live videos that don't work.

Thanks in advance!
Anyone having problems with live games today? Archived games work fine but I get an error trying to do live games. Looking in the logs it httplib2 is seeing a 500 server error.
(2014-03-08, 23:40)juggie Wrote: Anyone having problems with live games today? Archived games work fine but I get an error trying to do live games. Looking in the logs it httplib2 is seeing a 500 server error.

Got it working.. had to reenter my pass for some odd reason.. weird because it was working yesterday.

It was the http request to get the list of games that was failing.
Hopefully someone can help me out here. I have the newest version of the GameCenter add-on (0.6.0).

Running Gotham Beta 1 on OSX Mavericks live games work perfectly.

Running Gotham Alpha9 on my rpi and trying to watch a live game just causes the loader to hang. Here are the error logs: http://pastebin.com/hcQP7P3P

So, question what is my best solution? I would prefer to just have the Beta for Gotham running on the rpi, but can't seem to find it anywhere. And from what I've read on here, 0.6.0 should be good to go on any Gotham build.

Any tips? Thanks!
(2014-03-10, 03:24)webbtj Wrote: Hopefully someone can help me out here. I have the newest version of the GameCenter add-on (0.6.0).

Running Gotham Beta 1 on OSX Mavericks live games work perfectly.

Running Gotham Alpha9 on my rpi and trying to watch a live game just causes the loader to hang. Here are the error logs: http://pastebin.com/hcQP7P3P

So, question what is my best solution? I would prefer to just have the Beta for Gotham running on the rpi, but can't seem to find it anywhere. And from what I've read on here, 0.6.0 should be good to go on any Gotham build.

Any tips? Thanks!

If you're using RaspBMC, you can get the latest test releases here. Try updating to the latest (currently 20140306) test build and see if the problem persists. I have my raspberry pi on this build and can confirm that live games are working.
Unable to play live games on NHL GameCenter using Pivos Xios for past month. Unable using Hubwizard (LInux or Pivos download). Need help to get this working. Can anyone help?
(2014-03-10, 18:46)robl2 Wrote: Unable to play live games on NHL GameCenter using Pivos Xios for past month. Unable using Hubwizard (LInux or Pivos download). Need help to get this working. Can anyone help?

Are you using Gotham?

Nightly builds (Gotham): As of December 30th 2013, Pivos XIOS can use the normal XBMC for Android nightly builds and have hardware video decoding: http://mirrors.xbmc.org/nightlies/android/arm/
I upgraded to Gotham last week and the addon is now working great. Thanks for that work of the developer, its much appreciated. Far better than using the website.
(2014-03-10, 19:23)eracknaphobia Wrote:
(2014-03-10, 18:46)robl2 Wrote: Unable to play live games on NHL GameCenter using Pivos Xios for past month. Unable using Hubwizard (LInux or Pivos download). Need help to get this working. Can anyone help?

Are you using Gotham?

Nightly builds (Gotham): As of December 30th 2013, Pivos XIOS can use the normal XBMC for Android nightly builds and have hardware video decoding: http://mirrors.xbmc.org/nightlies/android/arm/

Are you able to pass on instructions on how to access Gotham? Would be appreciated.
(2014-03-11, 13:59)robl2 Wrote:
(2014-03-10, 19:23)eracknaphobia Wrote:
(2014-03-10, 18:46)robl2 Wrote: Unable to play live games on NHL GameCenter using Pivos Xios for past month. Unable using Hubwizard (LInux or Pivos download). Need help to get this working. Can anyone help?

Are you using Gotham?

Nightly builds (Gotham): As of December 30th 2013, Pivos XIOS can use the normal XBMC for Android nightly builds and have hardware video decoding: http://mirrors.xbmc.org/nightlies/android/arm/

Are you able to pass on instructions on how to access Gotham? Would be appreciated.

Without having any prior experience with the Pivos XIOS, the best I can do is direct you to their XBMC page. The instructions under the Installing XBMC section is probably what you are looking for.
Thanks for the help. Much appreciated.
I have this addon on Gotham on my mac and it works fine, however when I try to login on gotham beta 1 openelec on my raspberry pi with the same username and password it tells me to check my credentials?

any one had this before?
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