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[Discontinued] NHL Gamecenter Addon
I am getting "Login Failed - check your login credentials" error message - should I be concerned? Or is this simply related to the fact that season hasn't started yet.

Great plugin, btw!
(2014-10-07, 19:31)kaczor47 Wrote: I am getting "Login Failed - check your login credentials" error message - should I be concerned? Or is this simply related to the fact that season hasn't started yet.

Great plugin, btw!

Login appears to be working. I can still view archived video presently. Are you using the correct username?

How to use the addon
1. Install my repository
2. Download the addon
3. Enter your NHL Gamecenter username (not email address) and password in the addon settings
4. Start the addon
5. Choose a game
6. Enjoy
eracknaphobia - If being on Gotham 13.2, will this addon work for Live games? Just curious to see what I need to get done on Kodi, since my subscriptioned renewed for NHL Gamecenter Live. All the help would be greatly appreciated.

(2014-10-07, 20:10)SparkGFX Wrote: eracknaphobia - If being on Gotham 13.2, will this addon work for Live games? Just curious to see what I need to get done on Kodi, since my subscriptioned renewed for NHL Gamecenter Live. All the help would be greatly appreciated.


I doubt there would be any reason to use Helix 14.0 instead of Gotham 13.2, but we won't know for sure until live games roll out (tomorrow).
Very good to hear. Also if you guys are in need of some testing, please let me know. I can provide my subscription username and password if need be.
As of right now I can't even login with the add-on...

On FireTV with Gotham 13.2
(2014-10-08, 14:12)SparkGFX Wrote: As of right now I can't even login with the add-on...

On FireTV with Gotham 13.2

Can you login through the web or an official app?
Yes, I am able to login in on my LG G3 Phone and through their website. I did notice that they just sent an update to my phone this morning...not sure what that changed.

Edit: Seems like they added alot of new features on the web version, as well as the app from the Google Play Store. Like I said before is you all need any help I am down to put in some work, I am wanting this add-on to work just as much as everyone else.
As of now (12PM Eastern Time), I still get a script error if I try to access "Live Games". Can anyone with a separate device, preferably a PS3 since that is the user agent being used, verify if they can see today's schedule?

In the logs I see :
raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error

So it does not appear to be up yet.
It's looking like the add-on will need some tinkering before the Live section works this season. It appears they have moved the live game url to a new location. PS3 is updated and is showing live games currently. So I imagine most all official devices are set to go tonight.
But even putting in my login creditials, it comes back with an error. I can't even see any type of lists inside the add-on.
Not sure what's going on. I am still able to login and view archived games.
Did I maybe install an older version from Carb0s Repo? Just curious...I have been known to space out the easiest solutions lol
0.6.0 is the latest
I believe that is what I have installed...so weird why I can login in on every other device in my posession, yet in Kodi it won't take it. Just says Login Failed ERROR
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