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[RELEASE] Radio Add-on (rad.io, radio.de, radio.fr, radio.pt, radio.es) Music Plugin
(2020-02-09, 19:14)enen92 Wrote:
(2020-02-07, 06:24)dawsonjw Wrote: Hi.
   just wondered if anyone has any ideas on why this happening now.  It started about 2 weeks back.  If you go to https://www.radio.net/s/2ca it plays perfectly.  Running latest Kodi 18.5

2020-02-07 13:21:19.726 T:8124 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK(51) for
2020-02-07 13:21:19.734 T:8124 NOTICE: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: plugin://plugin.audio.radio_de/station/15754

The complete log is here




Certificate is invalid for that particular stream as the common name doesn't match. You can easily see that if you open the stream on your browser:

I'll add an option to prefer http streams if multiple links are provided by the api. 

Thanks for that.  Now works like a charm.  Appreciate your effort..


Recently the KODI Rockabilly radio station (8336?) stopped working but it works in the website https://www.radio.de/s/rockabillyradio so I know it is still broadcasting.

I am seeing  the following error in the log and need advice if there is anything I can do to get it working other than wait for a kodi plugin fix.

17:42:44.409 T:29896  NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] __urlopen opening url=http://api.rad.io/info/v2/search/station?station=8386
17:42:45.201 T:29896  NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] __resolve_playlist started with station=8386
17:42:45.204 T:29896   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
@enen92 Firstly, thanks for updating this and keeping it current, it's much appreciated.

Now, I see for the sort_methods you have used %X which is bitrate I believe, but I don't see any rates listed in the GUI.  (Only realized this as I've been working on a branch that reads sample rates and bitrates from music files at scan time and stores them in the music db for later use).  In fact, I'm not sure the API returns the bitrate of a station anyway, does it ? From the data I see
{'name': 'Vixen 101', 'thumbnail': '', 'rating': 60296, 'genre': 'Oldies', 'mediatype': 'song', 'id': 12219, 'current_track': None, 'stream_url': '', 'description': ''}, {'name': 'News Radio UK', 'thumbnail': 'https://static.radio.net/images/broadcasts/d0/d2/120208/1/c175.png', 'rating': 13110, 'genre': '', 'mediatype': 'song', 'id': 120208, 'current_track': None, 'stream_url': '', 'description': 'News Radio UK brings today’s headlines in 10 minutes, every 10 minutes. Rolling news, sport, weather, travel, business and showbiz 24 hours a day. '}

Also, sort by rating only ever gives me a value of 10.0 for every station.  That's clearly wrong but my python isn't up to finding where that is coming from.  Obviously, it isn't that big a deal I just wasn't sure if you would be aware of it or not.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
For a couple of months some (maybe all) streams by Radio Caprice cause an exception. Relevant logs: https://paste.kodi.tv/yulupisiba.kodi
Respective entry in ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.audio.radio_de/.storage/my_stations.json: https://paste.kodi.tv/evidihexuj
Stream seems OK.
I reinstalled kodi 2 days ago, version 18.6.
I added my stations again and use this as a widget as I used to. All works fine untill I stop playing the radio and start a movie or tv show. I get a radio error popup and all my saved stations are gone.
the log shows the following at that time:

020-03-26 23:05:40.006 T:1286591200  NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/stations/my/" matches rule for function "show_my_stations"                             
2020-03-26 23:05:41.212 T:1286591200  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.                                                                                    
2020-03-26 23:05:41.212 T:1286591200   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--               
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!                                                                    
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IOError'>                                                                             
                                            Error Contents: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.audio.radio_de/.storage/my_stations.json.tmp'

I got the latest version of the addon and the dependency.

I just upgraded Kodi (LibreElec) to 18.6, and Radio.de plugin now displays a fanart in fullscreen mode, which as a white background, making difficult to read white informations.

I tried to modify the /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.audio.radio_de/fanart.jpg image, but it does not change the background, even after rebooting Kodi. The image is not changed in the web interface neither.

How can I either disable this fanart, or have my modifications taken into account?

Mmm, it looks like my new fanart file as finally been taken into account! I don't know what I did since, maybe refreshing the media library, or some automatic update checking...
Seems to be a problem with getting the stream for LBC London, and LBC news.

*LOG REMOVED by moderator*
Please use pastebin websites for log files.

I've pasted the link http://media-ssl.musicradio.com/LBCLondon into VLC play network stream, and it works, and I've tried other Global stations in kodi, and they work. But not LBC. The only difference I can see from the log is that LBC has the "|&noshout=true&Icy-MetaData=1" after the url. The Heart station (last entry from the log) has nothing added to the url
@Big Chris  See that big red text just above the post reply button ?  The bit that reads "Do not post logs in the forum"?  It means just that!  Oh, and Indigo is a banned addon (wiki) so you won't get any support while it's installed.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2020-04-01, 11:47)Big Chris Wrote: *LOG REMOVED by moderator*

And yes, we do not accept any Kodi setups with piracy related add-ons.
(2019-12-29, 11:45)enen92 Wrote:
(2019-12-29, 10:12)sba923 Wrote:
(2019-12-28, 19:05)enen92 Wrote: I'll add that as a setting in the future update.  

Good to hear! Is there a way to suppress this manually in the meantime? The browsing display is just barely readable with this background...  


I still want to do more changes before pushing an update. 
Only today did I realize that the plug-in had been updated, but that I had to set the "Hide fanart" setting to "on"  Wink

Thanks for the fix!
(2020-03-27, 00:19)bootsieke Wrote: I reinstalled kodi 2 days ago, version 18.6.
I added my stations again and use this as a widget as I used to. All works fine untill I stop playing the radio and start a movie or tv show. I get a radio error popup and all my saved stations are gone.
the log shows the following at that time:

020-03-26 23:05:40.006 T:1286591200  NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/stations/my/" matches rule for function "show_my_stations"                             
2020-03-26 23:05:41.212 T:1286591200  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.                                                                                    
2020-03-26 23:05:41.212 T:1286591200   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--               
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!                                                                    
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IOError'>                                                                             
                                            Error Contents: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.audio.radio_de/.storage/my_stations.json.tmp'

I got the latest version of the addon and the dependency.

Sorry I need proper instructions and data to solve this issue. Please provide a full debug log and the procedure to reproduce.
(2020-03-08, 14:12)black_eagle Wrote: T@enen92 Firstly, thanks for updating this and keeping it current, it's much appreciated.

Now, I see for the sort_methods you have used %X which is bitrate I believe, but I don't see any rates listed in the GUI.  (Only realized this as I've been working on a branch that reads sample rates and bitrates from music files at scan time and stores them in the music db for later use).  In fact, I'm not sure the API returns the bitrate of a station anyway, does it ? From the data I see
{'name': 'Vixen 101', 'thumbnail': '', 'rating': 60296, 'genre': 'Oldies', 'mediatype': 'song', 'id': 12219, 'current_track': None, 'stream_url': '', 'description': ''}, {'name': 'News Radio UK', 'thumbnail': 'https://static.radio.net/images/broadcasts/d0/d2/120208/1/c175.png', 'rating': 13110, 'genre': '', 'mediatype': 'song', 'id': 120208, 'current_track': None, 'stream_url': '', 'description': 'News Radio UK brings today’s headlines in 10 minutes, every 10 minutes. Rolling news, sport, weather, travel, business and showbiz 24 hours a day. '}

Also, sort by rating only ever gives me a value of 10.0 for every station.  That's clearly wrong but my python isn't up to finding where that is coming from.  Obviously, it isn't that big a deal I just wasn't sure if you would be aware of it or not.

They provide the sample rate but you have to query each station by id, so it is not feasible to do it when showing the plugin listings.

{'continent': 'Europe', 'country': 'Portugal', 'logo300x300': 'https://static.radio.net/images/broadcasts/c8/83/13386/2/c300.png', 'city': 'Braga', 'stationType'│
: 'radio_station', 'description': '', 'language': ['Portuguese'], 'logo100x100': 'https://static.radio.net/images/broadcasts/c8/83/13386/2/c100.png', 'streamUrls': [{'streamUrl': 'http://centova.radios.p│
t:9464/stream/1/', 'loadbalanced': False, 'metaDataAvailable': False, 'playingMode': 'STEREO', 'type': 'STREAM', 'sampleRate': 44100, 'streamContentFormat': 'MP3', 'bitRate': 128, 'idBroadcast': 13386, '│
sortOrder': 1, 'streamFormat': 'UNKNOWN', 'id': 112988, 'streamStatus': 'VALID', 'contentType': 'audio/mpeg'}], 'playable': 'PLAYABLE', 'genres': ['Top 40 & Charts'], 'logo175x175': 'https://static.radio│
.net/images/broadcasts/c8/83/13386/2/c175.png', 'adParams': {'st_city': ['Braga'], 'languages': ['Portuguese'], 'genres': ['Top 40 & Charts'], 'topics': [], 'st_cont': ['Europe'], 'station': ['antenaminh│
o'], 'advertising': ['true'], 'family': [], 'st_region': ['Braga'], 'type': ['radio_station'], 'st_country': ['Portugal']}, 'alias': '', 'rank': 11263, 'id': 13386, 'types': ['FM Radio'], 'website': 'htt│
p://www.antena-minho.pt/', 'topics': [], 'shortDescription': '', 'logo44x44': 'https://static.radio.net/images/broadcasts/c8/83/13386/2/c44.png', 'numberEpisodes': 0, 'podcastUrls': [], 'hideReferer': Fa│
lse, 'name': 'Antena Minho', 'subdomain': 'antenaminho', 'lastModified': '2020-04-12T02:38:18.000Z', 'family': [], 'region': 'Braga', 'frequencies': []}

Regarding ratings, it's not easy too. Kodi provides ratings in 10.0 - 0.0. Radio.de lists radios by raking: 
radio with ranking 1 -> 10.0 in kodi
radio with ranking ~ 30.000 (they say they have 30.000 radio stations) -> 0.0 in kodi

In the next version I'm doing a simple linear interpolation to calculate the value but kodi is not sensitive enough for this
This addon is now available for Matrix. We have 2 versions of the same codebase:

v3.0.0+matrix.1 (12/4/2020) for matrix only
[new] Automated submissions to matrix
[new] Python3 only version
[new] New language layout and other matrix fixes
[fix] Playlist based stations
[fix] Ratings

3.0.0 (12/4/2020) - For gotham till matrix
[fix] playlist based stations (backport)
[fix] ratings (backport)
[new] removed python3 compatibility
[new] automated submissions to repository
good mornig at all,

I have problems playing some german radio stations like ANTENNE BAYERN or Radio7.
kodi 18.6 is running with libreelec on pi3 and ubuntu 18.04 on nuc.

after choosing the radio station kodi crahes. log says something about curl and it happens
with radio 2.4.2 and radio 3.0.0

2020-04-13 10:01:41.969 T:140460374337280 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] get_top_stations started with sizeperpage=50, pageindex=1
2020-04-13 10:01:41.969 T:140460374337280 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] __api_call started with path=v2/search/topstations, param={'sizeperpage'$
2020-04-13 10:01:41.970 T:140460374337280 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] __urlopen opening url=http://api.radio.de/info/v2/search/topstations?siz$
2020-04-13 10:01:46.441 T:140459572905728 NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/station/9111" matches rule for function "get_stream_url"
2020-04-13 10:01:46.441 T:140459572905728 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] get_station_by_station_id started with station_id=9111
2020-04-13 10:01:46.441 T:140459572905728 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] __api_call started with path=v2/search/station, param={'station': '9111'}
2020-04-13 10:01:46.441 T:140459572905728 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] __urlopen opening url=http://api.radio.de/info/v2/search/station?station$
2020-04-13 10:01:46.539 T:140459572905728 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] get_stream_url result: https://stream.antenne.de/antenne/stream/mp3?aw_0$
2020-04-13 10:01:48.120 T:140459213039360 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Error in the HTTP2 framing layer(16)
2020-04-13 10:01:48.171 T:140459213039360 ERROR: Open - error probing input format, https://stream.antenne.de/antenne/stream...st.playeri$
2020-04-13 10:01:48.172 T:140459213039360 ERROR: Init: Error creating demuxer
2020-04-13 10:01:48.172 T:140459213039360 ERROR: CAudioDecoder: Unable to Init Codec while loading file https://stream.antenne.de/antenne/stream/$
2020-04-13 10:01:48.172 T:140459213039360 WARNING: PAPlayer::QueueNextFileEx - Failed to create the decoder
2020-04-13 10:01:48.354 T:140460365944576 NOTICE: [xbmcswift2] Request for "/station/2275" matches rule for function "get_stream_url"
2020-04-13 10:01:48.354 T:140460365944576 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] get_station_by_station_id started with station_id=2275
2020-04-13 10:01:48.354 T:140460365944576 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] __api_call started with path=v2/search/station, param={'station': '2275'}
2020-04-13 10:01:48.354 T:140460365944576 NOTICE: [plugin.audio.radio_de] __urlopen opening url=http://api.radio.de/info/v2/search/station?station$
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[RELEASE] Radio Add-on (rad.io, radio.de, radio.fr, radio.pt, radio.es) Music Plugin5
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