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Release TV Guide - with XMLTV and streaming support
Update 2013-03-06
V. 2.0.1 (and v. 1.4.1 for Eden) is ready for testing. See this post

Donations for this TV Guide addon gratefully accepted
Donations are never expected or required but always appreciated.

I just submitted a major update of the TV Guide addon to the official repo.
v. 1.4.0 for Eden and v. 2.0.0 for Frodo.
They should be up in the repo soon.. Meanwhile v. 1.4.0 is available in my beta repository http://tommy.winther.nu/xbmc/

If you have problems with video streaming please try without OSD enabled or with the alternate streaming method.

Major improvements:
- New default skin Blue EPG (thanks maly95)
- Rewrote database layer so database is only access through a single thread.
- Added FilmOn support and fixes (thanks mikey1234)
- Added Alternative streaming option to settings (required for FilmOn)
- Improved support for smb:// and nfs:// sources in Frodo

See the changelog for full details:

If you are interested, the source is at github: https://github.com/twinther/script.tvguide
and my blog for all (Danish) things XBMC: http://tommy.winther.nu

Mandatory screenshots below..
UPDATE - Skins will be included in tvguide addon

Fanarts and Banners using Enhanced XMLTV (IMDB & TVDB Info)
Skin.reFocus - coming soon!
Skin.Aeon MQ3 - coming soon!

Available Skins:

Requires: XBMC Skin - Aeon Nox

Requires: XBMC Skin - Rapier

Requires: XBMC Skin - reFocus

Brief XMLTV Tutorial:

1. What is XMLTV? XMLTV is a very popular XML based file format for describing TV listings. see XMLTVFormat

2. How do I get an XMLTV File? there is several ways, I will list two possible ways:
Free: If you want to build a xmltv file for free with very basic info try MC2XML
Pay: If you want a more detailed TV listing try Schedules Direct

3. I suggest you build your XMLTV file with only a few channels, and no more then a weeks data (follow the guidelines listed in the grabbers you have chosen).

If you build a XMLTV file over 2mb the plugin will take longer to load (smaller file = quicker load times; so chose wisely when building your xmltv file, you don't need info for channels you don't have nor do you need to list more then a week at a time!)

Please visit XMLTV for more info...
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
Thanks for the new version Tommy..it appears to be working fine with my ATSC HDhomerun both on my Vista and Lucid installs. I don't get those fancy backgrounds with the strm files but I assume it's based on the source.
I tested with a single tuner and 2 tuners in a strm file and it worked with both. I didn't look at the code but I assume it loads the first entry in the strm file. With the mod I originally did it only worked with a single entry in the file. Can I also assume that if it loads tuner0 and it's busy it errs out instead of trying tuner1? I generally use Tuner 0 for my Lucid system and Tuner 1 for Vista and I edit the .strm files so that there is only one entry for each system.

Mythbuntu doesn't need viruses - we have Sudo
Can this addon read an XML from a Windows Network Share? If so, how would this be done. - Thanks
lazy0ne Wrote:Can this addon read an XML from a Windows Network Share? If so, how would this be done. - Thanks

I don't see why It wouldn't...
go into plugin settings, choose xmlfile... select smb share folder and look for your file... if you haven't setup file sharing, google howto...
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
Lunatixz Wrote:I don't see why It wouldn't...
go into plugin settings, choose xmlfile... select smb share folder and look for your file... if you haven't setup file sharing, google howto...

You don't get the standard "Browse" selection like adding a source. Why don't you try it first and let me know how you do it.
lazy0ne Wrote:You don't get the standard "Browse" selection like adding a source. Why don't you try it first and let me know how you do it.

I have no problems accessing my network shares through the plugins menu option for xmltv file!

Perhaps you should setup your xbmc network share first, then try Nod
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
It might be possible to select the xmltv file on a network share, but I don't think it will load correctly. I'll do some tests and try to make it work for the next version.
Excellent work! twinther

the custom stream file support, its working great.

Because streams change weekly
is there a better way to delete a not working CustomStreamUrl than to delete the source.db

- stopping the focus going to the first of the epg page when you exit a stream

+ a ability to add plugin streams from favorites (favorites.xml)

+ a option to launch firefox with a custom direct link

Lunatixz <thanks for the Channel Logo>

Hi Rogerzees,
You can remove a custom stream url with the same button you add it with. The text changes to indicate this when a custom stream is present.
You can open the menu the same way you open other context menus, fx right click or press c.

I'll see what I can do about the other suggestions.

thanks and yes, i was only using a mouse to control the xbmc
then i used a remote,and it works greatNod.
Version 1.22 fails to load XML file...got a "Houston we have a problem" message and said it notified you.
Mythbuntu doesn't need viruses - we have Sudo
Hey, you mean version 1.2.1 right? because this should be fixed in 1.2.2, but 1.2.2 is not in the xbmc repository yet, only in github.
Thanks Twinther
what a great update 1.2.2 is

++ mouse works now
++ the speed is up,no problem with large list
++ custom icons

About when xbmc checks a .strm its notice if a .strm file has one or muti streams inside,
can this addon made to handle the same and then choose one.
this way when you update the ever changening streams only one file must be edited,would spare a lot of hassle.

+ would it also be more user friendly to add icons same way as you can change thumbs folders.
twinther Wrote:Hey, you mean version 1.2.1 right? because this should be fixed in 1.2.2, but 1.2.2 is not in the xbmc repository yet, only in github.

Yupp...you are correct..1.21 broke the guide. When's 1.22 getting pushed?
No biggie...Superbowl is next weekend, no Nascar racing yes..only Golf which is use for my afternoon naps. What's on TV where you are? Ice Skating? Ski Jumping? Yodeling? My family came from Norway but I've never been across the pond.
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