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[RELEASE] Advanced Wake On Lan (WOL) Addon - Wake up a remote computer/server
Did you double-check the add-on's settings to be sure you specified the correct MAC address and IP address/hostname of the system you wish to awaken?

I believe Advanced WOL uses XBMC's built-in WakeOnLan function, so you can test this function to see if it works from your XBMC system to wake up your other system. An easy way to test this is by adding this entry to your userdata (wiki)/favourites.xml file:
<favourite name="WOL">WakeOnLan(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)</favourite>
where xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx is the MAC address of the system you wish to awaken. Restart XBMC, go to your Favourites menu and launch this favourite to see if the target system wakes up.
Thanks for the response.
I tried what you suggested but by simply adding the line you suggested (with the correct Mac address) to favourites xml. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but when I click on favorites in xbmc its not there!!

Meanwhile I've installed /reinstalled changed checked and done everything else I know to get this to work and it just wont. If I WOL from another PC the server wakes up fine.
Upload the contents of your favourites.xml file to www.xbmclogs.com and post the assigned URL here. Are you able to see your other favourites when you open the Favourites menu? If this is the *only* favourite you've defined, then be sure you'd placed the file in the correct location for your operating system, as specified here: userdata (wiki).
Hi again. Been away so just getting back to look into this issue again.
Have been trying to get this working but still no joy although I can wake server from the windows pc running xbmc with WOL software I still can't do it from within xbmc.Could it be something to do with subnet mask? I have to set this to get WOL to work and there is nowhere to set it in xbmc?

As for favourites I don't see the favourite listed but maybe I'm not writing the code properly. Here is the content of my favourites file:

Thanks again for helping out.
I corrected errors in the "favourites" file and can launch it from favourites menu but WOL wont wake my server.
There is something fundamentally wrong with xbmc if this is the case. I am currently using Gotham build from 30 Aug but had the problem using Frodo. Mac address and server ip are correct in settings but whatever I try it just won't wake up the server. Even tried the wakeonlan function built into Gotham and that doesn't work either.
I can wake my server from windows using WakeOnLan software so the problem has to be in xbmc.

Anybody help?
(2013-07-23, 20:57)mandark Wrote:
(2013-06-26, 05:01)Ghostdivision Wrote: Hmm im having errors with this latest version i did not previously have. My small server is awake currently when im testing but it was never an issue with the prior version, but its throwing out script failed or script error.

20:30:20 T:1224 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
Error Contents: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'float' objects
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\xbmc-script.advanced.wol-master\autostart.py", line 25, in <module>
print "script.advanced.wol: Start WOL script after return from standby (Standby took "+time.time()-previousTime+" sec.)"
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'float' objects
-->End of Python script error report<--

sorry for the late reply, i was a bit busy. i have located the problem and fixed it in the current version (v.1.2.4) available for download here. could you please try if this fixes the problem for you, and the library-update-delay is now working as intended?

Were very close to having this working great, the delay works great for updating audio/video, however if the server is asleep, i am still getting a similar error with your latest version you directed me toward. I love the delay to update audio and video, its great, I just wish it would work like 1.2.2 does waking my server. This error was after a full re-install and its also showing 1.2.3 for me. I uninstalled previous, and installed this one, its almost like this latest version is not doing a new install, when I install it fresh all my information is still present (ip, mac address).

0:46:41 T:1888 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
Error Contents: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'float' objects
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\xbmc-script.advanced.wol-master\autostart.py", line 25, in <module>
print "script.advanced.wol: Start WOL script after return from standby (Standby took "+time.time()-previousTime+" sec.)"
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'float' objects
-->End of Python script error report<--
hmmm seems to be working after i manually copied and pasted the new version into where 1.2.2 was located.
(2013-09-13, 10:02)Ghostdivision Wrote: hmmm seems to be working after i manually copied and pasted the new version into where 1.2.2 was located.
great to hear, that 1.2.4 is working now. thanks for checking! i've submitted the new version to the official XBMC-addons repository and it's available now.
Hi All,

I'm using XBMC with OpenElec on my Atv gen 1. I've got a NAS where i store all my files but i would like to suspend the box during the Night. I can cron the pm-suspend command but i need to make sure that the NAS is restared whenever my wife use the remote of the AppleTV.

As this is an AppleTV, there is no way to suspend the box but XBMC do provide under system->Settings->System->Power Saving, an option to turn off the display after a configurable timer.

My question is the following: Is there a way to catch when XBMC restarts the screen to send a WOL packet and restart my NAS?

Hey d_ced,

I think you are looking for http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=JSO...tem.OnWake

It should be possible to subscribe to that event, if anybody knows how to do, I am very intrested in this!

Thanks Nordish!

Is it possible to change the number of seconds you can select from the setting - Ping-Timeout for Host-Up Check (In Seconds) ?

The available options are: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 120

I would like to be able to select 100 seconds.

Many thanks.

EDIT: I edited the settings.xml file located at /storage/.xbmc/addons/script.advanced.wol/resources and added in 100| on all the lines where the number of seconds choices were listed. I can now select 100 from the Advanced Wol settings.

However I suspect any new updates to the addon would revert back this change?
Hi, Trying to setup AWOL to send a Magic Packet to my Media Portal Server to wake it before I launch LiveTv. What script would I add?

Original Example is: RunScript(&quot;script.advanced.wol&quot;,ActivateWindow(MyVideoLibrary),True)

Would it be: RunScript(&quot;script.advanced.wol&quot;,ActivateWindow(LiveTv),True) ?
(2013-12-02, 23:53)a_team Wrote: Would it be: RunScript(&quot;script.advanced.wol&quot;,ActivateWindow(LiveTv),True) ?

See here for a list of the various window names and IDs: http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=Window_IDs

I must be posting it incorrectly in my favourites.xml file. I have:

RunScript(&quot;script.advanced.wol&quot;,ActivateWindow(PVR),True) <favourite name="theCHIVE" thumb="androidapp://sources/apps/com.thechive.png">PlayMedia(&quot;androidapp://sources/apps/com.thechive&quotWink</favourite>


I also tried it outside of the "<favourites> </favourites>" section as:
<favourite name="theCHIVE" thumb="androidapp://sources/apps/com.thechive.png">PlayMedia(&quot;androidapp://sources/apps/com.thechive&quotWink</favourite>

With still no luck.

This is on SPMC's Android XBMC on Ouya.

   : (Other favourites entries)
  <favourite name="Live TV or whatever">RunScript(&quot;script.advanced.wol&quot;,ActivateWindow(PVR),True)</favourite>
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[RELEASE] Advanced Wake On Lan (WOL) Addon - Wake up a remote computer/server1
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