hi everyone!
i'm still around - although not very regularily, sorry! i'm also happy, you guys find my addon useful.
i'll try to address some of the last issues:
(2012-10-08, 08:45)tenzion Wrote: I have the video plugin "EyeTV Parser" installed on my XBMC. I am using Aeon Nox 3.6.1 and I have added a favourite on the home screen that activates the AWOL script and in turn should activate the EyeTV Parser video plugin. I am using an openelec build if that has any relevance.
Here's the code from favourites.xml
<favourite name="Advanced Wake On Lan">RunScript("script.advanced.wol",ActivateWindow(10025,plugin://plugin.video.eyetv.parser),True)</favourite>
But it doesn't work. The AWOL script part works as my remote host is woken up from sleep, but nothing else happens.
my guess is, that you have "Enable hostup-check and notifications" disabled in AWOLs addon-settings. to further explain: you've set the last parameter of your favourite-entry to "True", which means AWOL sends the wakeup-signal, is then supposed to check and wait for the remote host to wake up, and launch the command (the "EyeTV Parser") plugin only after a successful wakeup was registered. but if this check is disabled in the settings, it will basically wait forever and never launch the plugin.
as a solution you could either set the last parameter of your favourites-entry to "False". this would send the WOL-signal and immediately launch the command after that - not minding, if and when the remote host actually wakes up. this makes sense e.g. with the movie library, because i can immediately start browsing the library, which also works, while the remote host is not fully awake yet.
however - other actions or plugins require the remote host to be awake, when they are launched. an example would be browsing actual files on the remote host in file-mode. if you need this for using "EyeTV Parser" you have to keep the setting at "True" and check "Enable hostup-check and notifications" in AWOLs setting.
i must admit, that this requirement is not really intuitive, and you may also have a problem, if you find the notifications annoying, but still need the "launch command and wait for remote host". maybe it's better if i change the behaviour to check the hostup-status anyway in this case, even if "Enable hostup-check and notifications" is disabled. i might implement this in the next version.
(2012-09-02, 14:24)sw4y Wrote: Is it possible (maybe with parameters) to wake the server up when xbmc starts ("this is possible"), wait until it's awake and then start searching for new files in the libraries?
this is actually a great idea and it shouldn't be a problem to implement. i'll do that, when i have some time.
i'm glad, you have found a solution to your problem.
thanks for providing your solution, maybe i'll include this functionality in a future version.
Marvel, yunti and others, who want to wake the remote host after XBMC has resumed from standby:
the basic problem is, that i dont't know a way for the plugin to find out, if a resume from standby has taken place. so i cannot implement this feature. there is a workaround however. you could activate "Send continuous WOL packets" in the addon-settings of AWOL. this will send WOL-packets every 30 seconds after activation of the addon (e.g. also when autostarted with XBMC) - and it will continue to do so, if the XBMC-host has come out of standby.
this might not be the most elegant solution, but it should be working without any side-effects. the only problem arises, if you want your remote PC to go into standby while still running XBMC, because XBMC will immediately wake it up again.
i'll also update the documentation regarding this possibility.