vlc external player
Can anyone tell me how they edited their playercorefactory.xml to work with vlc. I don't understand what this is saying http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=HOW-TO_use_a...a_playback. So please don't refer me back to it. Thanks for all your help!
<player name="VLC" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
<filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\VLC.exe</filename>
<args>"{1}" /fullscreen /close</args>

That's assuming this is the right path for VLC, if you're not sure you can try to type that in the Start menu and see if it opens VLC:

C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\VLC.exe
Box 1: ODroid N2+ 4GB
Box 2: Intel NUC D34010WYK (Windows afedchin's Krypton MVC Build)
Box 3: Vero 4K
RIP schimi2k | I miss you buddy :(
and does that file go into the userdata folder?
And make sure it's a xml file.
Box 1: ODroid N2+ 4GB
Box 2: Intel NUC D34010WYK (Windows afedchin's Krypton MVC Build)
Box 3: Vero 4K
RIP schimi2k | I miss you buddy :(
Also I'm not sure what you are trying to play but IMO MPC-HC is a much better option/player as you can play HD audio tracks and have it work with newer filters...
Box 1: ODroid N2+ 4GB
Box 2: Intel NUC D34010WYK (Windows afedchin's Krypton MVC Build)
Box 3: Vero 4K
RIP schimi2k | I miss you buddy :(
thanks for the response. i made the file and it dosent seem to be switching over to vlc when i run the video file. as for mpc-hc, ive never heard of it. I am willing to give it a try if it really is better as you say. What kind of code do i need for that? Further, I'm only looking to play avi files with an external player
In order to get it to play files automatically, you need to define rules.
Add the following between </players> and </playercorefactory>:
<rules action="prepend">
   <rule filetypes="avi" player="VLC" />

That will make vlc be the default player for avi files.
If it's only for avi files then VLC should be fine.

Don't just press Play/Enter to play the file with VLC. You need to press C and choose Play using... and then choose VLC. It should work.

Edit: or you can do what scudlee said Smile
Box 1: ODroid N2+ 4GB
Box 2: Intel NUC D34010WYK (Windows afedchin's Krypton MVC Build)
Box 3: Vero 4K
RIP schimi2k | I miss you buddy :(
So I did what you told me to and it still dosen't work Sad
oh okay got it to work. thanks aries
is there any way for me to make it play default with vlc instead of pressing c?
the avi files in xbmc look a little bit more blurry than in vlc and the colors seem a little bit darker. is there any way to adjust this?
sirstroud Wrote:is there any way for me to make it play default with vlc instead of pressing c?

You add a rule to your coreplayerfactory.xml. see ppost 7 in this thread for an example rule.

I'm having a problem with VLC as external player:
VLC won't stay on top of the screen.

Here's my code:
<player name="FSBS-3D" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
     <args>"{1}" -f --video-on-top </args>
<rules action="prepend">
   <rule filename=".*_FSBS.*" player="FSBS-3D"/>


* XBMC hides, i can see the desktop
* VLC app launches and fades to fullscreen but stays in the background, so i can see the dock and finder windows

Any idea what i'm doing wrong here? Thanks!
Which VLC are you using, 2.0.

If so have you tried changing how it goes fullscreen (i.e. either use apple's fullscreen method or the method VLC used to use) Perhaps one will work better.

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