vlc external player
I installed NextPVR and had trouble due to my Playercorefactory.xml setup.  So I deleted it.  I decided the NextPVR addon isn't for me, uninstalled it and restored Playercorefactory to make VLC my default player again, but it DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE!! WHY NOT!? My wife is going to kill me...

<player name="VLC" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
<filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\VLC.exe</filename>
<rules action="prepend">
<rule internetstream="false" player="VLC" />
(2020-01-02, 06:21)Pisomojado Wrote: I installed NextPVR and had trouble due to my Playercorefactory.xml setup.  So I deleted it.  I decided the NextPVR addon isn't for me, uninstalled it and restored Playercorefactory to make VLC my default player again, but it DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE!! WHY NOT!? My wife is going to kill me...

<player name="VLC" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
<filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\VLC.exe</filename>
<rules action="prepend">
<rule internetstream="false" player="VLC" />
FIXED.  I followed the instructions here https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=331381

I opened playercorefactory.xml with notepad and saved as *.* using UTF-8 encoding.  That fixed it.

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