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[ARCHIVED - WON'T UPDATE] XSqueeze - Squeezebox player for XBMC
fruitloaf Wrote:Have you tried port 9090 - I believe that's the correct port for squeezeslave - 9000 is the port for the webadmin

Wow. I feel silly now. Yes this was the issue. It was originally 9090, but I made an assumption that connecting to the web interface was the goal. Thank you for noticing and letting me know of my mistake.

Everything is working excellently. I'm quite happy now. Smile Thanks again!
castalla Wrote:I reinstalled the latest version.

I'm now utterly confused!!!

I have LMS and XBMC running on the same PC.

I have a Touch connected to LMS.

I simply want to connect/control/visualise the Touch.

I entered the LMS address, the Touch MAC, and no squeezeslave.

Start xsqueeze - nothing happens.

Exit from XBMC - restart XBMC and a C application error message appears - XBMC fails to start. Only resolution is to restart Win 7.

What am I doing wrong?

Ok - firstly, I don't have a touch (just Sb2, Sb3, Booms) - I do not know how the add on will deal with the touch therefore as it has a much more complicated display and I don't know what it does about offering a two line fallback set up or not. Not a lot I can do about that as there's no way I'm buying a touch (or SB controller)....if anyone in Aus. wants to loan me one, happy to implement it though.

Ok, the C application error is very unlikely to be related to this - there's no C involved and about the worst this add on could do is spawn a bunch of squeezeslave processes if you hammer it.

(To the post above - I don't want to search and destroy sequeezeslave processes will nilly as there are legitimate reasons to run more then one a machine I don't necesarrily want to interfere with - if you set it up right, this won't happen anyway....but eventually I will add enough exception handling to make sure no matter what it kills any Squeezeslave it has created on that run even if it is crashing...)

Anyway - back on topic - you need to post your log so I can have a clue what is happening - hard to help without this. At the moment I log quite a bit by default, so you don't even have to turn on debug logging.

And note, this is all very early days - the whole point of this alpha release is to get people with different setups to try it - I fully expect it to break, but since I only have so many setups I can test on, I need info - basically, reports both +ve and -ve, and log files!
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | Caber Toss | Switchback | XSqueezeDisplay | Kodi 2nd Display
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
Note because to the whole 'need to chmod +X every update' issue that is not fixable with the addon, I plan to push things out a lot more slowly now, since the basics are in place and I don't want to break it all the time.

So - this is planned next:
- Loading of the README.txt on first run of each version
- Server discovery rather than having to put it in manually
- Audio output chooser for those using the inbuilt squeezeasalve
- Skin support - if people provide me with skin files (basically, a 720p/XSqueezeNowPlaying.xml written for their skin, plus all associated media files such as background, icons etc) - thanks to fruitloaf for doing an AeonNox version!
- Skin support - happy to expose more data to the skin files if requested (e.g. more tracks, later ideally artist bio/album info)
- if possible, integration with script.artistslideshow
- work out why openelec has those little audio dropouts periodically (anyone have ideas on this??)

Any and all of that, really. Other suggestions taken!
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | Caber Toss | Switchback | XSqueezeDisplay | Kodi 2nd Display
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
Thanks for the reply.

Two logs:

1. LMS running - Touch connected via LMS - default MAC -squeezeslave auto = http://pastebin.com/LzJP4ydD

2. LMS running - Touch connected - Touch MAC - no squeezeslave = http://pastebin.com/7aNmqebc

When I select xsqueeze nothing happens.
I re-entered the LMS ip - auto squeezeslave - starts but no display


Exit xbmc - restart xbmc - error panel overlay - xbmc fails to start.
Ok so

1. It couldn't find you server at all @ on port: 9090 - is this IP right, have you tried the hostname instead, have you changed your CLI port? Can you telnet manually to 9090 and issue a CLI command? (just type test and it should echo it back to you). You should have got a pop up notification saying 'Couldn't connect to server'

2. Same thing - couldn't connect to your server

3. And again. In all of these cases if it fails it immediately does an xbmc notification so you should get a message.

You need to check your server connection and CLI port because you're not getting past that point.

07:59:22 T:588  NOTICE: XSqueeze-0.2.4: Attempting to connect to LMS at: on port: 9090
07:59:48 T:3836  NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
07:59:48 T:3836  NOTICE: Saving settings
07:59:48 T:3836  NOTICE: stop all
07:59:48 T:3836  NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server
07:59:48 T:3836  NOTICE: stopping zeroconf publishing
07:59:49 T:3848  NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped
07:59:49 T:3836  NOTICE: stop sap announcement listener
07:59:49 T:3836  NOTICE: clean cached files!
07:59:49 T:3836  NOTICE: unload skin
07:59:49 T:588  NOTICE: XSqueeze-0.2.4:  Couldn't connect to server!
07:59:49 T:588  NOTICE: XSqueeze-0.2.4: ### Failed to create SqueezePlayer object

also it looks like your system is trying stop during the add on startup....

...that really doesn't look right to me.
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | Caber Toss | Switchback | XSqueezeDisplay | Kodi 2nd Display
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
Okay ....

IP is correct - diagnostics shows that port 9090 is OK

telnet never connects
well there's your issue - something is stopping access to the CLI - firewall maybe? Hoe are you doing the telnet ( 9090 is the windows way, not
Addons I wrote &/or maintain:
OzWeather (Australian BOM weather) | Check Previous Episode | Playback Resumer | Unpause Jumpback | Caber Toss | Switchback | XSqueezeDisplay | Kodi 2nd Display
Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.

Yes - using correct syntax.

I've got a new router which is a real pain to figure out (interface is in Spanish).

The firewall settings are almost unintelligible - I'll play around today with various settings and see what I can discover.

castalla Wrote:Thanks.

Yes - using correct syntax.

I've got a new router which is a real pain to figure out (interface is in Spanish).

The firewall settings are almost unintelligible - I'll play around today with various settings and see what I can discover.


It won't be the router firewall settings but the settings of the firewall on the PC running LMS that you need to change (and possibly even the settings of the PC running XBMC though this is less likely the cause).

What platform are you running LMS and XBMC on? My first bet would be to disable the firewall on your LMS computer and test again - if you can now telnet to it from your XBMC PC then that's the issue and you can open the appropriate port (9090).
LMS and XBMC are on the same win 7 PC. Diagnostics for Port 9090 reports OK.

If I telnet to on 9090 the telnet terminal just displays with flashing cursor - nothing works.

Switching Avast off, and win firewall off makes no difference.
castalla Wrote:LMS and XBMC are on the same win 7 PC. Diagnostics for Port 9090 reports OK.

If I telnet to on 9090 the telnet terminal just displays with flashing cursor - nothing works.

Switching Avast off, and win firewall off makes no difference.

So your saying that is the PC that has LMS and XBMC? If so, use the as the IP address in XSqueeze and see if that helps.

Have you tried running squeezeslave manually? Do you get errors, or does it connect ok?
Ran squeezeslave

No messages.

Ran using

No messages

Ran xsqueeze - absolutely nothing happens.

I had this working with an earlier version - see post 18.

Ran squeezeslave

No messages.

Ran using

No messages

Ran xsqueeze - absolutely nothing happens.

I had this working with an earlier version - see post 18.

edit: if I enable the auto option then there's no error message = but xsqueeze does nothing. I exit from xbmx. If I restart xbmc there's an error message:

CApplication::Create() failed - check log file and that it is writable

At this point I have to reboot PC to get xbmc running again.
castalla Wrote:Ran squeezeslave

No messages.

You know that squeezeslave doesn't produce any output unless you use the -D or -d options?

When you run squeezeslave are you able to use it for playback? Additionally I think that the step you are missing in the testing is checking whether you can connect to LMS correctly through telnet.

Try telneting on port 9090 both to and the machines IP address.
telnet 9090 ====== flashing cursor only

telnet 9090 ====== flashing cursor only

Using command squeezeslave.exe ====== flashing cursor only

Running xsqueeze - no response whatsoever

I think I've tried every possible combination!

Totally baffled.

(ps: the only possible factor is that I am running a specially compiled version of xbmc which attempts to address a upnp bug ... provided by devs. I think that's a long shot, 'though).
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[ARCHIVED - WON'T UPDATE] XSqueeze - Squeezebox player for XBMC3
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