XBMC Volume Amplification
I noticed that XBMC has a volume amplification feature and with every video I need to manually set the amplification, I was wondering if their was global setting or a config file that I can change to force the setting so that it's persistent on every video.
(2012-03-20, 04:02)josh6025 Wrote: I noticed that XBMC has a volume amplification feature and with every video I need to manually set the amplification, I was wondering if their was global setting or a config file that I can change to force the setting so that it's persistent on every video.
You can simply click "set as default for all movies" after you adjusted the "volume" and "volume amplification"......


>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!
Thanks for that bluray.
This seems like a great feature for my bedroom TV...I'm splitting the audio from my external speakers between my TV, Xbox 360, and HTPC and It always seems like my HTPC is half the volume of my TV and 360...My only concern with this feature is sound distortion...How much does amplification change the quality...if any?
I don't notice any distortion although I only amplify to +20dB.
Ok, yeah I'm doing +7.5 currently, haven't noticed anything yet, thanks guys I totally skipped over that feature
It uses dynamic compression to prevent clipping.
Is it possible to normalise sound? eg if I have watched a dvd and then watch video online I get my head blown off and have to scramble for the remote.
Not currently. XBMC has no method to compare sounds like that to normalize the volume for each source.
It'd be nice if Hollwood would adopt ReplayGain for movies Smile
System: XBMC HTPC with HDMI WASAPI & AudioEngine - Denon  AVR-3808CI  - Denon DVD-5900 Universal Player  - Denon DCM-27 CD-Changer
- Sony BDP-S580 Blu-Ray  - X-Box 360  - Android tablet wireless remote - 7.1 Streem/Axiom/Velodyne Surround System
If I have been able to help feel free to add to my reputation +/- below - thanks!
It's worth noting that in some codec packs have lots of settings, you can find these by right clicking on the icons that pop up in your system tray when you play a video
Hi Guys,

Sorry for the stupid question but could someone tell me why this feature is greyed out for me when i'm playing HD movie?

Thanks in advance!
If you are using audio pass-through to your receiver then XBMC will not touch the audio. It just sends the raw digital stream to the receiver, hence pass-through.
Normalizing volume

I've been researching an issue with very quiet voice dialogue in movies / tv shows and at that same volume raise the dead capable roaring from explosions and other various sound effects.

This lifehacker article (http://lifehacker.com/5920290/how-to-fix...eally-loud) mentions XBMC at the bottom stating the following -

"Update: It looks like XBMC has a version of this feature as well, for you home theater PC geeks. Huzzah! Thanks to @theediguy for sending this in." which links to http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Vid...e_settings

Am I to take from this all that's needed is adjusting Volume Amplification? I feel like there will be other things necessary.
I don't see any change when I adjust this between 0 - 60dB. I tried both Optical/Coax, HDMI, and Analog, all sound the same. I'm running an HDMI cable from my HTPC to my TV which runs an optical cable to my surround sound system if that helps.

I would think that there would be a way that one could increase the volume of all types of audio in a movie / TV Show but then also set a threshold that no audio would surpass. That's essentially what I'm trying to do, can it be done through XBMC? If not, perhaps that's a thing that some or all surround sound systems can do?
Volume amplification is a poor mans compressor and does exactly what you describe. But it only works on non-passthrough mode. So for making use of this feature you need to use content without dts/ac3 media or disable the ac3/dts/aac options in the audio settings. Beside that as already mentioned the volume amplification is not available in beta1 but in the current nightlybuilds and later ...
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