I made i little script that compares all forks branches to styxit's branches.
Here is some of what i found:
- Some guys started a nzbdrone module back in may (wish i knew that before i started..)
- sort transmission torrents (is a pr, so not really that interesting)
- a service module, to restart the computer and delete watched movies on plex
- fix for epty tvhead channels
- trakt branch
- toggle fullscreen and audio source on xbmc
- headphones
- sickbeard anime
- Dude is ripping out all nzb code
- more headphones
- stream to xbmc?
- css work on sabnzbd module
- next air for nzbdrone
- change subtitle size
- changed scroll trigger so it scrolls more
- docker
- remove show for sickbeard
- webapp look and feel for ios and android
Some of these are prs, others might be commits directly to there own master or other branches.
Anyhow its cool to see what ideas other people have