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[WIP] HTPC-Manager Beta, Manage XBMC, Sabnzbd, SickBeard with one app
For those you that is waiting for NzbDrone a pr has been sendt. https://github.com/styxit/HTPC-Manager/pull/297
I dont use NzbDrone so please test it and let me know if you find any bugs.
Thanks a lot hellow!
Happy to help Smile. I figure sickbeard could use some love aswell, i would like to have a option for postprocess aswell
Any mediabrowser users using htpc manager?
I made i little script that compares all forks branches to styxit's branches.

Here is some of what i found:
- Some guys started a nzbdrone module back in may (wish i knew that before i started..)
- sort transmission torrents (is a pr, so not really that interesting)
- a service module, to restart the computer and delete watched movies on plex
- fix for epty tvhead channels
- trakt branch
- toggle fullscreen and audio source on xbmc
- headphones
- sickbeard anime
- Dude is ripping out all nzb code
- more headphones
- stream to xbmc?
- css work on sabnzbd module
- next air for nzbdrone
- change subtitle size
- changed scroll trigger so it scrolls more
- docker
- remove show for sickbeard
- webapp look and feel for ios and android

Some of these are prs, others might be commits directly to there own master or other branches.
Anyhow its cool to see what ideas other people have Smile
(2014-10-10, 06:41)hellow Wrote: I made i little script that compares all forks branches to styxit's branches.

Here is some of what i found:
- Some guys started a nzbdrone module back in may (wish i knew that before i started..)

Any chance you can link the download address for this fork... I'd like to try it out. Or yours would be great.

You where after the nzbdrone branch? Its included in this one https://github.com/Hellowlol/HTPC-Manager/tree/master2 along with other stuff like nzbget etc. (not the one i mention but one i made myself.)
The script to find forks is here: https://gist.github.com/Hellowlol/d12cd37ec3e0735914b6

(2014-10-22, 07:57)Frozin Wrote:
(2014-10-10, 06:41)hellow Wrote: I made i little script that compares all forks branches to styxit's branches.

Here is some of what i found:
- Some guys started a nzbdrone module back in may (wish i knew that before i started..)

Any chance you can link the download address for this fork... I'd like to try it out. Or yours would be great.

Thanks hellow for the very quick response.
No problem. Hopefully the nzbdrone branch will be merged when styxit gets some time to review the pr.
Tried to change over to hellowlol's repo, re installed many times, both master and hellowlol's repo and the same issue. Can not save any settings, to refresh's the page back to blank with default settings. Debuging log says it can not find any of the settings.

2014-11-17 19:00:13 :: htpc.settings :: DEBUG :: Unable to find the selected object: app_theme
2014-11-17 19:00:13 :: htpc.settings :: DEBUG :: Unable to find the selected object: app_theme
2014-11-17 19:00:13 :: htpc.settings :: DEBUG :: Unable to find the selected object: xbmc_update_server_enable
2014-11-17 19:00:13 :: htpc.settings :: DEBUG :: Unable to find the selected object: sabnzbd_enable
2014-11-17 19:00:13 :: htpc.settings :: DEBUG :: Unable to find the selected object: couchpotato_enable
2014-11-17 19:00:13 :: htpc.settings :: DEBUG :: Unable to find the selected object: sickbeard_enable
2014-11-17 19:00:13 :: htpc.settings :: DEBUG :: Unable to find the selected object: transmission_enable
2014-11-17 19:00:13 :: htpc.settings :: DEBUG :: Unable to find the selected object: deluge_enable
2014-11-17 19:00:13 :: htpc.settings :: DEBUG :: Unable to find the selected object: squeezebox_enable
2014-11-17 19:00:13 :: htpc.settings :: DEBUG :: Unable to find the selected object: nzbsearch_enable

Not sure what i've managed to mess up, any one have an idea?
Make a clean install of the master2 branch. If you have any more problems make a issue on github and I'll see what I can do. This thread is related to styxits version and not any forks Smile
i did do a clean install of both styxits, and yours. I deleted all files on xbmcuntu install, re added it. Same problem on both versions, hence why i posted here =/
Oki, that doesn't happen here. If you use dev tools, in the network tab can you see that the save command is fired before the page reloads?
Do not use Dev Tools, or know what that is unfortunately. When i click save, it briefly flashes over to General settings tab before reloading back the settings tab i was on.

http://pastebin.com/FnGiXvU5 Full debug
I added a delay before the page reloads now. Can you check, if this work I'll send this upstream aswell
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