2012-03-25, 21:41
2012-03-26, 07:00
2012-03-26, 21:16
This is pretty nice! Working well on Server 2008 R2, and client XBMC is Eden final. Are there any plans to add support for Couchpotato? Keep up the great work!
2012-03-26, 23:18
(2012-03-26, 21:16)ghostelement Wrote: This is pretty nice! Working well on Server 2008 R2, and client XBMC is Eden final. Are there any plans to add support for Couchpotato? Keep up the great work!
The current build of Couchpotato doesn't have an API, so it's difficult for us to support it.
Fortunately they are currently working on a new version "V2" that will have api, and I just finished integrating CouchPotato V2 in our manager, so it wil shortly be on Github.
The only problem is you have to update your CouchPotato to an unstable build, but I hope they will bring out a stable version soon.
2012-03-27, 10:05
(2012-03-25, 00:18)SyphOn Wrote: 2) Maraschino is only a dashboard. Also it did not suit our needs.
Hey, I am one of the devs for Maraschino and I quite like the design you have chosen for your frontend. Nice work! I do wonder where Maraschino fell short for you tho? As far as I can see Maraschino has all the functionality included in here and more but I could be wrong.
It would be awesome to have more people contribute on the same software instead of spreading the work around, however, competition is always good and I can't really complain about you wanting to code your own project

2012-03-27, 13:09
2012-03-27, 13:20
(2012-03-27, 10:38)SyphOn Wrote: gugahoi,
Did you also read my post after that? Kind of explains why and how
I did read it and thought that was a bit general. Besides, "adding to Sickbeard" has been implemented on Maraschino for quite some time now...
The only difference I see is graphical that's why I asked. Cause if graphical implementation is the only difference I really feel like coding everything from scratch is a lot of trouble - again, it's your decision - but feels like if that is the case then it may be better joining forces.... just thinking out loud here...
2012-03-27, 13:58
I think the main difference between our Manager and Maraschino is that Maraschino is more like an overview / dashboard / widget style like page (Don't shoot me if I'm wrong). In our app the dashboard doesn't play that much of a big role and uses page based navigation. Also, like I mentioned before, this is the first time we ever programmed in Python. For us it's a lot of fun starting this from scratch. But if you think that what we've created so far is easy to incorporate into Maraschino, then perhaps in the future that's something we could consider.
2012-03-27, 15:54
I'm using both this and Maraschino and I do like this more. Don't get me wrong, Maraschino is great, but I'm using both of them with my laptop and with Maraschino there is a "problem" with screen space and "crammed" widgets. All in one page is impossible task. Marachino certainly has it's merits and it's great to see everything in one glance, but actual usability suffers..
I know that this project is still in early stage, but if I may wish something to implement sometimes in the future? Note that these are only my wishes and I do love this already.
(These are in no particular order)
Again - don't take these as a demands, but these are the things I'd like to see sometimes in the future. I do see some other possibilities with this, but maybe this is enough for now
I know that this project is still in early stage, but if I may wish something to implement sometimes in the future? Note that these are only my wishes and I do love this already.

(These are in no particular order)
- Some sort of pagination for XBMC movie/tv series. Nearly 1000 movies in one page doesn't load so quickly.
- Maybe some sort of "instant search" for movies/series?
- trakt.tv integration, like in Maraschino? Trakt.tv comments / "shoutbox" / maybe recommendations..
- Separate "Now playing" section to own tab from Movie/TV library pages and put cast / synopsis / maybe trakt.tv comments in there?
- Reverse TV series season/episode ordering to the "standard" style. Now numbering goes from the highest to lowest number (for example Season 5 -> Season 1). IMHO, this is not quite intuitive. Or make this an option?
- There is a bug (possible known bug) in movie sorting. Sorting should also - perhaps optionally - ignore articles ("the", "a").
Again - don't take these as a demands, but these are the things I'd like to see sometimes in the future. I do see some other possibilities with this, but maybe this is enough for now

2012-03-27, 16:07
Glad you like it
Please add the features (Personally I think you have a good point on most of them) you'd like to see and any bugs you may find to the issue tracker at GitHub. New features will be marked as enhancements. We'll have a look and see if we can incorporate them
Glad you like it

2012-03-27, 18:30
(2012-03-27, 15:54)paavor Wrote:
- Some sort of pagination for XBMC movie/tv series. Nearly 1000 movies in one page doesn't load so quickly.
- Maybe some sort of "instant search" for movies/series?
- trakt.tv integration, like in Maraschino? Trakt.tv comments / "shoutbox" / maybe recommendations..
- Separate "Now playing" section to own tab from Movie/TV library pages and put cast / synopsis / maybe trakt.tv comments in there?
- Reverse TV series season/episode ordering to the "standard" style. Now numbering goes from the highest to lowest number (for example Season 5 -> Season 1). IMHO, this is not quite intuitive. Or make this an option?
- There is a bug (possible known bug) in movie sorting. Sorting should also - perhaps optionally - ignore articles ("the", "a").
Some good improvements, you've got there!
When our software is a bit more stable we will certainly take a look at your points.
2012-03-27, 22:46
Love it so far, great work! Have it running on Ubuntu 12.04 no problems.
Also, if anyone needs it, I took the Init script I had been using for Maraschino and modified it for HTPC-Manager.
Get it here and save it as HTPC-Manager in /etc/init.d
Then just run the following -
sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/HTPC-Manager
sudo update-rc.d HTPC-Manager defaults
Also, if anyone needs it, I took the Init script I had been using for Maraschino and modified it for HTPC-Manager.
Get it here and save it as HTPC-Manager in /etc/init.d
Then just run the following -
sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/HTPC-Manager
sudo update-rc.d HTPC-Manager defaults