2012-04-07, 16:36
I am a user of MediaPortal, My name is Azzuro, and I come to you today, to agree a common structure for supporting the NFO, in XBMC and MediaPortal, to enable the sharing and use of movies in a home or friends !
Currently MyVideo MediaPortal is reworked. and we are stuck on the format of the NFO!
that is why, I propose an agreement on the format NFO, for "our" two program use the same encoding!
URL on Forum Mediaportal to talk NFO Support: http://forum.team-mediaportal.com/thread...ost-857752
the structure below is ofr validation !
SubCatégories : <info></info>
Subcatégories : <Scrape></scrape>
Choice : <id moviedb="tmdb">11856</id> OR <tmdb></tmdb>
Subcatégories : <staff></staff>
Subcatégorie : <picture></picture>
Root : <movie></movie>
Subcatégories ; <fileinfo></fileinfo>
Currently MyVideo MediaPortal is reworked. and we are stuck on the format of the NFO!
that is why, I propose an agreement on the format NFO, for "our" two program use the same encoding!
URL on Forum Mediaportal to talk NFO Support: http://forum.team-mediaportal.com/thread...ost-857752
the structure below is ofr validation !
SubCatégories : <info></info>
<title></title> <!-- Title used in country -->
<originaltitle></originaltitle> <!-- Real title -->
<sets> <!-- Collection Movie -->
<set>First Set Name</set>
<set order="?">Another Set With An Order</set>
<usergroups> <!-- user Group created for MePo -->
<rating></rating> <!-- 0 - 10 rating, can be decimal -->
<ratings> <!-- 0 - 10 rating, can be decimal on other scrape -->
<rating moviedb="imdb"></rating>
<rating moviedb="allocine"></rating>
<language></language> <!-- The language of movie -->
<company></company> <!-- The studio company that produced the movie -->
<studio></studio> <!-- Synonym for company tag -->
<country></country> <!-- Country the video was produced in -->
<year></year> <!-- Release date -->
<top250></top250> <!-- the IMDB top 250 ranking, integer 1 - 250 or empty -->
<votes></votes> <!-- currently unused in YAMJ -->
<outline></outline> <!-- a short plot description -->
<plot></plot> <!-- a longer plot description -->
<tagline></tagline> <!-- The tagline for the movie -->
<runtime></runtime> <!-- Time of movie in "Xh XXmn" -->
<mpaa></mpaa> <!-- Motion Picture Association of America -->
<ccoc></ccoc> <!-- Commission de classification des oeuvres cinematographiques = French MPAA -->
<certification></certification> <!-- Used for all certification that isn't MPAA and only used if imdb.getCertificationFromMPAA=false -->
<genres> <!-- multiple genre records may exist, including any custom ones -->
<trailer></trailer> <!-- multiple trailer records may exist -->
Subcatégories : <Scrape></scrape>
<id></id> <!-- the IMDB id of the movie. includes the leading "tt". Use an id of 0 or -1 to disable further internet plugin scraping. -->
<allocine></allocine> <!-- the allocine id of the movie. This should work for other plugins-->
<cinepassion></cinepassion> <!-- the cinepassion id of the movie. This should work for other plugins -->
Choice : <id moviedb="tmdb">11856</id> OR <tmdb></tmdb>
Subcatégories : <staff></staff>
<credits></credits> <!-- Writer name, one per entry -->
<actor> <!-- Multiple actor records may exist -->
<birthdate></birthdate> <!-- Format DATE dd-mm-yyyy -->
<deathdate></deathdate> <!-- Format DATE dd-mm-yyyy -->
Subcatégorie : <picture></picture>
<thumb></thumb> <!-- url of poster image. use URL formatting, such as http:// for internet resources or (movie.tbn or movie.jpg)? for local resources -->
<thumb></thumb> <!-- url of fanart image. use URL formatting, such as http:// for internet resources or (movie-fanart.jpg) for local resources -->
Root : <movie></movie>
<playcount></playcount> <!-- COunt of played movie (1) -->
<watched></watched> <!-- This will mark the movie watched or unwatched (false / true) -->
<lastplayed></lastplayed> <!-- date format dd-mm-yyyy(hh-mm) -->
Subcatégories ; <fileinfo></fileinfo>
<videosource></videosource> <!-- The video source of the file SCRENNERS / DVD / DVDRIP ... -->
<videooutput></videooutput> <!-- The video output of the file -->
<fps></fps> <!-- The Frames Per Second value for the movie. NOTE: This should be a valid float value (with a ".") -->
<width></width> <!-- Width of the video file -->
<height></height> <!-- Height of the video file -->
<audio> <!-- multiple audio stream may exist -->
<language></language> <!-- in MKV or external subtitle (movie.en.srt if exist) -->