Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Common structure for NFO support in XBMC and MEDIAPORTAL
I am a user of MediaPortal, My name is Azzuro, and I come to you today, to agree a common structure for supporting the NFO, in XBMC and MediaPortal, to enable the sharing and use of movies in a home or friends !

Currently MyVideo MediaPortal is reworked. and we are stuck on the format of the NFO!

that is why, I propose an agreement on the format NFO, for "our" two program use the same encoding!

URL on Forum Mediaportal to talk NFO Support:

the structure below is ofr validation !

SubCatégories : <info></info>

<title></title>                            <!-- Title used in country  -->

    <originaltitle></originaltitle>        <!-- Real title -->


    <sets>                                    <!-- Collection Movie  -->

      <set>First Set Name</set>

      <set order="?">Another Set With An Order</set>


<usergroups>                                <!-- user Group created for MePo  -->



    <rating></rating>                          <!-- 0 - 10 rating, can be decimal -->

    <ratings>                                <!-- 0 - 10 rating, can be decimal on other scrape -->

        <rating moviedb="imdb"></rating>

        <rating moviedb="allocine"></rating>


    <language></language>                    <!-- The language of movie -->


    <company></company>                      <!-- The studio company that produced the movie -->

    <studio></studio>                          <!-- Synonym for company tag -->

    <country></country>                        <!-- Country the video was produced in -->

    <year></year>                            <!-- Release date -->

    <top250></top250>                          <!-- the IMDB top 250 ranking, integer 1 - 250 or empty -->

    <votes></votes>                            <!-- currently unused in YAMJ -->

    <outline></outline>                        <!-- a short plot description -->

    <plot></plot>                              <!-- a longer plot description -->


    <tagline></tagline>                        <!-- The tagline for the movie -->

    <runtime></runtime>                        <!-- Time of movie in "Xh XXmn" -->

    <mpaa></mpaa>                            <!-- Motion Picture Association of America -->

    <ccoc></ccoc>                            <!-- Commission de classification des oeuvres cinematographiques = French MPAA -->

    <certification></certification>        <!-- Used for all certification that isn't MPAA and only used if imdb.getCertificationFromMPAA=false -->

    <genres>                                <!-- multiple genre records may exist, including any custom ones -->




    <trailer></trailer>                        <!-- multiple trailer records may exist -->

Subcatégories : <Scrape></scrape>

<id></id>                              <!-- the IMDB id of the movie. includes the leading "tt". Use an id of 0 or -1 to disable further internet plugin scraping. -->



    <allocine></allocine>                    <!-- the allocine id of the movie. This should work for other plugins-->

    <cinepassion></cinepassion>                <!-- the cinepassion id of the movie. This should work for other plugins -->

Choice : <id moviedb="tmdb">11856</id> OR <tmdb></tmdb>

Subcatégories : <staff></staff>

<credits></credits>                        <!-- Writer name, one per entry -->



    <actor>                                    <!-- Multiple actor records may exist -->





        <birthdate></birthdate>                <!-- Format DATE dd-mm-yyyy -->


        <deathdate></deathdate>                <!-- Format DATE dd-mm-yyyy -->





Subcatégorie : <picture></picture>

<thumb></thumb>                          <!-- url of poster image. use URL formatting, such as http:// for internet resources or (movie.tbn or movie.jpg)? for local resources -->


        <thumb></thumb>                    <!-- url of fanart image. use URL formatting, such as http:// for internet resources or (movie-fanart.jpg) for local resources -->


Root : <movie></movie>

<playcount></playcount>                    <!-- COunt of played movie (1) -->

    <watched></watched>                        <!-- This will mark the movie watched or unwatched (false / true) -->

    <lastplayed></lastplayed>                <!-- date format dd-mm-yyyy(hh-mm) -->

Subcatégories ; <fileinfo></fileinfo>


            <videosource></videosource>                <!-- The video source of the file SCRENNERS / DVD / DVDRIP ... -->

            <videooutput></videooutput>                <!-- The video output of the file -->

            <fps></fps>                                <!-- The Frames Per Second value for the movie. NOTE: This should be a valid float value (with a ".") -->




                <width></width>                <!-- Width of the video file -->

                <height></height>              <!-- Height of the video file -->


            <audio>                            <!-- multiple audio stream may exist -->






                <language></language>        <!-- in MKV or external subtitle ( if exist)  -->


I suppose that you know this :
(2012-04-08, 01:14)technick Wrote: I suppose that you know this :

I'm sure he's aware of that...

His proposal is more about rationalising the differences in NFO structure so that one NFO fits all.

The only issue I can see though is more of a philosophical one -

Just because they DO share a largely common NFO format, why should either seek to create a standard? There are other Media Centers out there too that have metadata floating around the file system, so why not gravitate to one of those 'standards' ?

I'm not saying it's a bad idea! the above is a purely philosophical comment.
I wonder how many folks use MP and XBMC (i used to, but moved to XBMC permanently about 3 years ago), and I didn't find migration a huge deal even without NFO's (if your media is well structured and well named MP and XBMC manage to work well anyway).

(2012-04-08, 01:55)AnalogKid Wrote:
(2012-04-08, 01:14)technick Wrote: I suppose that you know this :

I'm sure he's aware of that...

yes, I based on many sources, including: XBMC (Import: Export), XBNE, MP, YAMJ (MovieJukebox)

I add things, and create "categories" for a better reading, but if it is not possibletoo bad ...

(2012-04-08, 01:55)AnalogKid Wrote: His proposal is more about rationalising the differences in NFO structure so that one NFO fits all.

The only issue I can see though is more of a philosophical one -

Just because they DO share a largely common NFO format, why should either seek to create a standard? There are other Media Centers out there too that have metadata floating around the file system, so why not gravitate to one of those 'standards' ?

I'm not saying it's a bad idea! the above is a purely philosophical comment.
I wonder how many folks use MP and XBMC (i used to, but moved to XBMC permanently about 3 years ago), and I didn't find migration a huge deal even without NFO's (if your media is well structured and well named MP and XBMC manage to work well anyway).

I do not want to remake the world, just a common format, but based on what exists, because every editing program nfo, not all the same structure.

But, initially MP only works with a database, and does not support nfo, except for the import MovingPicture ... (Personally I do not use a database), personal choice!

Now I propose to have an NFO file complete, and free choice of the software to use any information or not!

but that is the same for maintenance, sharing, and devellopement of mediacenter or independent software (NFO editors ...)

I think I have gathered all the necessary sections, now if you are missing data, or that the model does not fit you, I'm open to talk, and I am aware that I am conquered land,
Post 1 updated by subcatégories
I like the idea of one common format but it seem that there are no fans among the dev team.
I do not get why XBMC and MediaPortal not uses a standard XML (.xml) file extension instead of NFO (.nfo) file extension for metadata export and import?

I mean the content is pure XML so why not just start to use the .xml file extension naming and try to force the scene to start using that as a standard?
It's not always pure XML. In case of mixed NFOs containing an XML part and then a scraper URL at the end we have a totally invalid XML document. Same goes for episode NFOs with multiple episodes inside IIRC. Those have two root elements.
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Its a historical thing and just unfortunate it uses the .nfo extension. Or some would say fortunate as its easy to search for an IMDB link in a scene nfo or a xbmc nfo.

Media portal should make their files compatible.

When I helped with MeediOS we adopted the XBMC nfo standard because it was so popular. Its actually very easy to parse.
(2012-04-19, 13:49)Montellese Wrote: It's not always pure XML. In case of mixed NFOs containing an XML part and then a scraper URL at the end we have a totally invalid XML document. Same goes for episode NFOs with multiple episodes inside IIRC. Those have two root elements.
Yes but when you do an export from XBMC then the output is pure XML, so not only export the output using a .xml file extension?

At least make using a .xml file extension the default when exporting from XBMC, and make .nfo optional a via advance settings option?

If XBMC would make start using .xml file extension as a standard for metadata exporting then I am sure that the scene will follow Big Grin
(2012-04-20, 16:10)RockerC Wrote:
(2012-04-19, 13:49)Montellese Wrote: It's not always pure XML. In case of mixed NFOs containing an XML part and then a scraper URL at the end we have a totally invalid XML document. Same goes for episode NFOs with multiple episodes inside IIRC. Those have two root elements.
Yes but when you do an export from XBMC then the output is pure XML, so not only export the output using a .xml file extension?

At least make using a .xml file extension the default when exporting from XBMC, and make .nfo optional a via advance settings option?

If XBMC would make start using .xml file extension as a standard for metadata exporting then I am sure that the scene will follow Big Grin

Who cares about what the scene does? And why should XBMC change? What they're currently doing works fine, and they are under no obligation to make their files work with anything else.
(2012-04-20, 16:10)RockerC Wrote:
(2012-04-19, 13:49)Montellese Wrote: It's not always pure XML. In case of mixed NFOs containing an XML part and then a scraper URL at the end we have a totally invalid XML document. Same goes for episode NFOs with multiple episodes inside IIRC. Those have two root elements.
Yes but when you do an export from XBMC then the output is pure XML, so not only export the output using a .xml file extension?

At least make using a .xml file extension the default when exporting from XBMC, and make .nfo optional a via advance settings option?

If XBMC would make start using .xml file extension as a standard for metadata exporting then I am sure that the scene will follow Big Grin

As you know, a few years ago there was this patch:
@YodaEXE : A unified NFO strucutre would bring a lot of good things. And someone's gotta make the first move. This guy did it, why not let XBMC be part of it ?

Advantages that first came up :
- Ability to share files easily with friend WITH infos. Even if they don't use XBMC.
- Easier scraper design, you only got to support one structurre file, not one per software.
- Also that would render the nfo you get with .torrent not so useless (as they would probably use that new structure).
- Third party software too. Now, you got to switch option/software if you switch players. After, you can have any third party that use the new structure, whatever player you use.
Admin @ Passion-XBMC
(official french community)
The whole point to it being xml is extensibility. Add whatever you need to the existing format, and it is all good. Breaking established patterns without a very good reason is quite counter-productive imo.
Hi XBMC Team/Users.
Sorry for times...
Now MP(1.3 beta) support NFO, Out Of Box. based on XBMC and standard structures.
i should post an templates file,


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