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Kodi/XBMC in the media? Post links here
This isn't the "media" exactly, but an Intel HOWTO on building a media centre using LinuxMint and XBMC:

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Sorry but in French :

Sorry for my english, but, you know, I'm French so ...
(2014-05-12, 09:20)nickr Wrote: This isn't the "media" exactly, but an Intel HOWTO on building a media centre using LinuxMint and XBMC:


Huh. I was under the impression that Intel was primarily pushing OpenELEC for their NUCs.
(2014-05-19, 18:39)natethomas Wrote:
(2014-05-12, 09:20)nickr Wrote: This isn't the "media" exactly, but an Intel HOWTO on building a media centre using LinuxMint and XBMC:


Huh. I was under the impression that Intel was primarily pushing OpenELEC for their NUCs.

I was the one who probably told you wrong on that. I could have sworn they were using OpenELEC in their PDF guide, but I guess not.

No frickin' way is Plex better! :p
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Bay Trail NUC FTW!

I've donated, have you?

(2014-05-25, 21:19)jammyb Wrote: http://www.lifehacker.co.uk/2014/05/22/need-plex-life

No frickin' way is Plex better! :p

pffft. XBMC Foundation > Plex
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Found this article from last year which I did not see on this thread...

I think it is promoting the wrong people.

article in the last c't from Heise (c't 17/14):

in german but still. good article.
rebuilding ....
...on recent "HIFIDIGITAL" there is a 2 page summary regarding XBMC.


Key messages:

--> for high end PC-media centers, currently 2 Players are available, J.River and XBMC. In case of versality, XBMC is leading.

--> regarding sound quality: basically there is no difference when WASAPI in exclusive mode is used !!!!!

Very interesting to read even not all key features of XBMC are covered.

There is an article on TechCrunch now where Philip Inghelbrecht who a co-founder of Shazam is referring to XBMC as a piracy service


" Meanwhile, the movie market blossomed from $80bn to $88bn in 2013 (source: PWC). The industry is projecting this figure to reach $100bn in the next few years to come, with growth across countries worldwide. What’s going on? Movies have gone (mostly) digital, too. And piracy is no less of an option through services like XBMC (Xbox Media Center), Popcorn Time and the plethora of Torrent services. "

More people who don't know understand the difference between XBMC and repackaging by third-parties who shall not be named
(2014-09-22, 15:54)Hedda Wrote: There is an article on TechCrunch now where Philip Inghelbrecht who a co-founder of Shazam is referring to XBMC as a piracy service


" Meanwhile, the movie market blossomed from $80bn to $88bn in 2013 (source: PWC). The industry is projecting this figure to reach $100bn in the next few years to come, with growth across countries worldwide. What’s going on? Movies have gone (mostly) digital, too. And piracy is no less of an option through services like XBMC (Xbox Media Center), Popcorn Time and the plethora of Torrent services. "

More people who don't know understand the difference between XBMC and repackaging by third-parties who shall not be named

Well that certainly doesn't work for me. Time to start talking to some people.
Not sure if this is good news or bad news, but I did see this today http://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2014/09/2...tv-addons/

Maybe it should even be classified as a warning instead of news, however it is definitely relevant to to the other sticky thread here which is closed.

This from the same site that previously added more confusion http://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2014/02/0...ing-rooms/
In german with alot of typos (will try to get it corrected):

AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
(2014-10-21, 15:28)Memphiz Wrote: In german with alot of typos (will try to get it corrected):


nice Article! actually I am much more interested in the last paragraph you mention in the interview - than in the typos Wink ... home automation. any more info available here or how did you manage to integrate all that?
rebuilding ....
(2014-10-21, 15:28)Memphiz Wrote: In german with alot of typos (will try to get it corrected):


Good read!
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