[PATCH] Enable HLS passthrough to FFMPEG
hippojay, I read through the wiki and it didn't say anything about git pull requests for the main code base. What list do those go on?

Basically, when you do a patch this is th process:

you fork the main xbmc repo, clone it to you local system, add add the upstream remote which is the main xbmc repo, make your changes to your local branch & test as much as you can, then commit locally to your branch, then push them back *to your own fork* (NOT xbmc master) on github (first git fetch and git merge any changes to mainline that have occurred in the interim), then use the pull request button on github to make a pull request, which is a request that one of the main xbmc debs pulls it back into the main codebase (review your code on the way through jsut to be sure it's PRing what you intended).

It's actually pretty easy...once you've done it once...
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Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
(2012-07-12, 04:55)bossanova808 Wrote: Basically, when you do a patch this is th process:

you fork the main xbmc repo, clone it to you local system, add add the upstream remote which is the main xbmc repo, make your changes to your local branch & test as much as you can, then commit locally to your branch, then push them back *to your own fork* (NOT xbmc master) on github (first git fetch and git merge any changes to mainline that have occurred in the interim), then use the pull request button on github to make a pull request, which is a request that one of the main xbmc debs pulls it back into the main codebase (review your code on the way through jsut to be sure it's PRing what you intended).

It's actually pretty easy...once you've done it once...

Maybe XBMC's wiki needs updating with a more step-by-step for Git and GitHub? Wink
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OK, thanks all - two pull requests in (one for the master branch and one for the Eden branch).
(2012-07-13, 04:26)micahg Wrote: OK, thanks all - two pull requests in (one for the master branch and one for the Eden branch).

Well, It looks like your patch finally got merged:

Hopefully we can look forward to some real good add-ons from this.

It did indeed Smile I should probably go tell the gamecenter people...
(2012-08-10, 20:31)micahg Wrote: It did indeed Smile I should probably go tell the gamecenter people...

I let the dev for the MLBMC (MLB.TV) add-on know. It would be nice to get HLS feeds across all platforms.
I think MLB.TV uses HTTPS, which isn't supported by FFMPEG.
(2012-08-11, 02:53)micahg Wrote: I think MLB.TV uses HTTPS, which isn't supported by FFMPEG.

See posts 9 and 10 in this thread ...... Smile

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[PATCH] Enable HLS passthrough to FFMPEG0
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