Zotac Zbox ID82

Does anyone tested the new Zotac Zbox ID82 with xbmc?
I really want to buy this HTPC but only if 1080p works fine with xbmc.
I saw previous good feedback with older Zbox models but this one has the new Intel HD Graphics 3000 with shared memory. Should be good enough but I would like to hear from someone who already test it.

why not go for ID80? it has the GT520 -which is much better than the HD 3000?
In did the graphic card may be better but ID80 only supports 4GB of 1066 RAM and has a 2.13 Atom processor.
ID82 has a better i3 core processor at 2.2 GHz and supports 16GB of 1333 RAM. This is why I would like to see a benchmark with this models or at least know from some one who test it already.
Atom 2.13 with 2 GB ram Is enough for xbmc I use it at my self. and It's play 3D full SBS fine
If you are planning for bitstreaming HD audio, you need to check with Zotac. Most of their pre-built PC's don't support bitstreaming.....just a thought!

HD3000, GT520 and AMD HD5xxx are capable of bitstreaming, but Zotac mobo and firmware might not allow it......
>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!
Thanks for all replies.

In did I'm still waiting for a Zotac answer concerning Bitstreaming HD-Audio.
Not sure if they don't answer because ID82 don't support it or if it is a forum support problem. I'm not the only one looking for this

Baselaa, does your zbox id80 supports bitstreaming HD Audio?
I got the confirmation from Zotac Support that ID82 supports Bitstream HD Audio through HDMI output.
(2012-04-27, 12:22)quim Wrote: I got the confirmation from Zotac Support that ID82 supports Bitstream HD Audio through HDMI output.
+1.....it's ready for primetime then....

>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!
(2012-04-27, 16:04)bluray Wrote: +1.....it's ready for primetime then....

Not with an Intel® HD Graphics 3000 GPU.
(2012-04-27, 18:40)jhsrennie Wrote:
(2012-04-27, 16:04)bluray Wrote: +1.....it's ready for primetime then....

Not with an Intel® HD Graphics 3000 GPU.
Why not? I can playback my blu-ray files in full 1080P with HD2000.......

>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!
(2012-04-27, 23:17)bluray Wrote:
(2012-04-27, 18:40)jhsrennie Wrote:
(2012-04-27, 16:04)bluray Wrote: +1.....it's ready for primetime then....

Not with an Intel® HD Graphics 3000 GPU.
Why not? I can playback my blu-ray files in full 1080P with HD2000.......

Only if you're planning on running Winblows. I bet the above gripe has to do with Intel's driver support for Linux. If you're planning on using XBMCbuntu at all, get the NVidia hardware.
HTPC 1 - Zotac ZBOX ID80U | 4GB RAM | 64GB SSD | Openelec | Confluence
HTPC 2 - Zotac ZBOX ID41U | 4GB RAM | 60GB SSD | Openelec | Confluence
Server - unRAID Server | 3 x 2TB WD Green HDD, 1TB WD Black HDD (Cache) | Sabnzbd | CouchPotato | Sickbeard
In my experience, the ID82 fails at playing 1080p in Windows. There are too many dropped frames.
Reading the latest amazon reviews; the standard 5400rpm hard drive and wireless n card are the only drawbacks. Win 7 & 8 performance index is beefy enough for 1080. The fix is to go with SSD and wired internet, which works excellent even with the older 525 models; and saves $180. I'd still go with i3 (model id82); or maybe the Intel NUC (same cost).

Amazon article: How to build a ROCK SOLID HTPC (Cheaper Zotacs)

(2012-05-09, 09:51)shiggity Wrote: In my experience, the ID82 fails at playing 1080p in Windows. There are too many dropped frames.
Bought the ID82 this week with an Vertex 3 SSD and Corsair 8 GB DDR3 So-dimm memory. No dropped frames at all at 1080p here. My movies are loaded through my network. The Latest Intel HD3000 video drivers are pretty good. Runs verry stable at this moment on XBMC 12.0 RC1

(2012-12-16, 23:51)Oxize Wrote: Bought the ID82 this week with an Vertex 3 SSD and Corsair 8 GB DDR3 So-dimm memory. No dropped frames at all at 1080p here. My movies are loaded through my network. The Latest Intel HD3000 video drivers are pretty good. Runs verry stable at this moment on XBMC 12.0 RC1

@Oxize, If you don't mind saying, what did you end up paying for it? I'm seeing a low $330 everywhere; and I've made several offers ($280shipped); but the holidays seem to have them holding the $330. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,.


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