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[DEAD] Watched Data Export/Import - Programs Addon
in case it helps anyone,
ive continued to use v1.10 watched states (now with gotham 3.2 and aeon.nox.gotham)

It recently failed with a script failure after installing a fresh setup,
i got it going again by copying script.module.elementtree from a previous addon folder.
(2014-10-05, 18:09)chicowoodhill Wrote:
(2014-08-02, 11:49)rumpleforeskin Wrote:
(2014-06-24, 01:44)thezoggy Wrote: any chance on getting this updated for gotham?

Is it known what the dependencies are for this script?
Attempting to install from ZIP give a dependencies not met warning, though i'm not sure if thats due to changes from frodo to gotham or the fact that I have moved to openelec!

I'm using this add-on without issues on Gotham 13.2. I use this script all the time between my three XBMC locations.

I was glad to read in the Helix release notes that:

* Add-ons are still compatible up to the Frodo/Gotham versions (excluding skins)

In my opinion this add-on should be incorporated into XBMC/Kodi as a built-in feature...

I'm on Gotham 13.2 as well, clean install, and I get the dependencies error as well...
I had the same thing.
You need to change the addon.xml and change python version from 1.0 to 2.1.0
The you need to get the elementtree addon (https://code.google.com/p/anarchintosh-p...p&can=2&q=)
Change the same thing in the addon.xml
install elementtree from zip
install this addon
worked for me
I'm getting a script error in kodi 15.2 is this app supported?

I exported my watched status database before the upgrade, so I have the file, but it looks like kodi doesn't launch the app??

Have I lost my entire watched status for the passed 5 years+ if so I'm rolling back to 13.2 Undecided

Is there a way to take the exported watched status xml that this app created and pull it into kodi? My library is scanned in, and I exported my watched status as described from xbmc 13.2, as this thread isn't in the archived/old/no longer working/supported section, I thought everything would be OK.

Am I SOL on this occasion or is there a way to bring my watched status xml into kodi or getting this app to run on kodi?
Sad to tell you but I left this one a long time ago.
There is a new one here http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:WatchedList but it can't import the files from this addon.

There is some talk about importing the old data directly into the new db if you look back in the thread, maybe that will help.
If you find any spelling mistakes you can keep them ;)

Would it be possible for you to upgrade script.watched.states to Python 3 (Matrix)? I use it on Leia and it works great. I know the replacement is service.watchedlist. The problem with that is tat it takes forever to import the DB on new installations. Whereas, script.watched.states just does it in no time at all.


i did an update for this addon to work on matrix and nexus per request

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