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Digitally Imported XBMC addon (Updated 25. July 2016 : V3.1.2)
(2016-02-01, 17:42)extremeaudio Wrote: Is it just me or does everyone now have a working addon if downloaded from the official kodi repo??

I had removed DI since it stopped working. After seeing the fix here I downloaded it again from the official kodi repo and just tried testing it once before going about the hacks. Its working!

Even line 304 in default.py of this addon is not the same as that mentioned earlier in this thread.

Yep looks like Bitcrusher merged the fixes.

Weird. He was not even here for half a year.

Last visit: 2015-07-06 23:05

Master programmer. Big Grin
Its as easy as clicking a big green button when someone does the Pull Request and submits it.

Its working anyway so thanks to all involved Smile
To get a 64k AAC-HE streams, you can try this:

Delete \userdata\addon_data\plugin.audio.di.fm\cacheChannels.json, edit addons\plugin.audio.di.fm\config.ini and change line 19 from:

public    = http://listen.di.fm/public2


public    = http://listen.di.fm/public1
What is better?

DI's standard MP3 or 64 AAC-HE?
(2016-02-03, 16:44)syco Wrote: What is better?

DI's standard MP3 or 64 AAC-HE?

For Free Members available oinly 40k AAC-HE and 64k AAC-HE, and the best is 64k AAC-HE.
Thanks, changed that. Smile
do you have problems with new plugin? i cant turn on some channels, for exemple when want to play Indie dance its play next channel - jazz house or next jungle... smth is wrong...
I've updated the thread with the last two changelog entries and pushed a very small updated, that adds German translation.
Hi guys,

I´ve an active di.fm subscribition, which is added to the addon settings. The stream quality is displaying 320kb but still hear commercial breaks during listing.

I´ve already reinstalled the addon (3.1.2) but no changes.

Could anybody confirm the issue or is there a workaround available to fix it?

seems that you cannot play free streams anymore! DI.FM homepage says that you have to have premium subscription if wanting to play them from somewhere different than they homepage. Please advise if there is any workarounds to that!? Thanks
Hello to all,

I use this excellent addon for some time. It is great!

I added my favorite channels in the Kodi's favorites for faster access.

I also look for a way to play a channel through my home automation box (Jeedom).
Which HTTP or JSON command could I use to directly launch a channel through my network?

Thank you for your help.

French user
I found a solution:

I create a .m3u playlist file with my favorite channel and with a jsonrpc command I can play this file:

http://ip_Kodi/jsonrpc?request={"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.Open","params":{"item":{"file":"C:/Program Files/Kodi_pre-15.1/portable_data/userdata/playlists/music/Deep Nu-Disco.m3u"}},"id":1}
Hello - i use this app very often - but i have a little problem: after every cache-reload, i mostly miss a channel (most Electro House) from my favourit list.

The problem was about mounth at many systems (Openelec, all Libreelec's...). I never saw all channels or favourit channels in the app

Is this issue known?
Not sure, if this is the right support thread .. I'm using Digitally Imported addon from official repository:

Made a fresh install of Kodi Krypton 17.1, added addon, imported 91 channels ... but playing not works - "Next element in playlist not found" (or something like this, not sure how to translate the german error message ;-) ..

With Jarvis it worked.

Btw. Feature Request: in configuration I can add "premium account", but on DI.FM there are "free listener" accounts too. Seems that di.fm doesnt want to share the channels for unregistered users, but its a simple task to register and to avoid problems when streaming ..
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