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Digitally Imported XBMC addon (Updated 25. July 2016 : V3.1.2)
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Works, but no list channels. (Tested: Ubuntu14.04-Kodi && Win7-XBMC)




13:35:48 T:6352   ERROR: Exception in thread Thread-54:
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\system\python\Lib\", line 808, in __bootstrap_inner
                                              File "C:\Users\PeachMan\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\", line 83, in run
                                                self.musicObj.addChannel(, self.channelMeta, self.channelCount)
                                              File "C:\Users\PeachMan\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\", line 273, in addChannel
                                                self.getChannelAsset(str(channel['id']), "http:" + channelMeta[str(channel['id'])]['asset_url'])
                                            TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str
Works for me! Thanks!
(2015-02-05, 05:55)ASH_Macedo Wrote: ZuljinX,

This fix works for premium and normal. What you have to do to make it work is to put in the plug-ins settings to force refresh the setting so it will download the stations again. That's why when you changed to free it worked because by doing so you clear the previous nfo. I tested in diff machines with 3 accounts. All working just force refresh the settings.



this fix works only for normal on my openelec. I try again ....
Fix worked for me with premium, thanks Marcelo!

I changed the entry like Marcelo and now there's no script error anymore. After reload DI said "72" Channels available, but the channel list is empty. I tried it at normal and premium. How can i fix that?

Thank you

(2015-02-10, 13:19)TimmeeSP Wrote: Hello,

I changed the entry like Marcelo and now there's no script error anymore. After reload DI said "72" Channels available, but the channel list is empty. I tried it at normal and premium. How can i fix that?

Thank you


(2015-02-10, 21:34)peachman Wrote:
(2015-02-10, 13:19)TimmeeSP Wrote: Hello,

I changed the entry like Marcelo and now there's no script error anymore. After reload DI said "72" Channels available, but the channel list is empty. I tried it at normal and premium. How can i fix that?

Thank you



with Ubuntu 14.10 Amd64 XBMC 13.1 RC1 Debian package version 2:13.1

thank's for your help
Hello! DI fm is not working on helix 14.1.. Im on fire tv... anybody have similar experience?
(2015-02-04, 19:31)ASH_Macedo Wrote: Guys,

The error that is happening is not related to KODI. What happened is that the digitally Imported changed their website so one regex nedds to be changed.

If you go to your file in the addon directory and open it with a text editor look for the line:

re_channelData = re.compile("NS\('AudioAddict'\).Channels\s*=\s*([^;]+);", re.M | re.I)

and change it to:

re_channelData = re.compile('\({"channels":\s*([^\n]+),"channel_filters":', re.M | re.I)

Save it an it should work again.

I won't upload files since I'm not the one maintaining this plugin and also I did some other changes to them so the covers for the channels appear when in fullscreen being called from an remote like yatse and json and those are not official.




but not working for me. It did said it detects channel, but no listing. Using raspbmc-rls-1.0-hardfp-b20130208-u20140926

I'm absolutly no python pro, but i fixed the channel list by changing the line

self.getChannelAsset(str(channel['id']), "http:" + channelMeta[str(channel['id'])]['asset_url'])

to the lines

channelMetaWithId = next((x for x in channelMeta if x['id'] == channel['id']), None)
self.getChannelAsset(str(channel['id']), "http:" + channelMetaWithId['asset_url'])

This must be done additionally to the fix Macedo applied. As said above i'm not experienced in python, in fact i stole the idea to get an object from a list from StackOverflow. Nevertheless i hope it helps. The reason while some people don't have a problem might be that the error only occures when you don't already have a thumbnail for a channnel.
First off, let me start out by apologising, for leaving you guys hanging so long without your DI tunes.

I have a shitload of excuses, like new job, new house, new/first baby incoming etc.

But what's really important, is that I've just pushed an update that should fix everything that's currently broken Wink

It's currently up for review by the Kodi staff and usually gets approved within 12 hours and your Kodi should autoupdate the plugin, but if your impatient, you can also download and install it manually from my Github repo:
I've updated the first post in this thread, to reflect the changes/updates - what you guys will probably appreciate the most (other than it working), is support for the new 320k stream.

Again, I'm really sorry about how long it took to get the code updated.
..thank you.. DI fm is a great plugin!!
Thank You. It's perfect.
Merci bitcrusher01 et Macedo

We have guardian angels who watch !
We love music and this DI plugin is a must !
Thanks a lot for this great plugin!

Oddly enough, version 3.0.7 gives me the same error message as before: Script failed: Digitally Imported. I've double checked the version number and it correctly states 3.0.7. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Dunno if it matters, but this is on 64bit Windows 7, same error for XBMC Gotham as for Kodi.
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