Another year - another rewrite 
I have again totally rewritten both my Digitally Imported and plugins
Heres the latest changelog entry:
+ New feature
* Improved/fixed feature
- Removed feature
12. July 2016 v3.1.2
+ Added German translation thanks to i-tek
30. January 2016 v3.1.1
+ Added option that enables/disables the use of Premium account credentials
* Fixed free streams - thank you to Christian Gerbrandt (derchrisuk)
25. March 2015 v3.1.0
+ Got a baby daughter - Ella
* Updated regex getting favorite channels for premium members, fixing issued with 40/64/320k - 128k worked
8. March 2015 v3.0.9
* Updated regex getting channel metadata from HTML
21. February 2015 v3.0.8
* Updated regex getting channel metadata from HTML
15. February 2015 v3.0.7
+ Added login via https for getting the frontpage HTML for premium users
Thanks to thloe-1 for pointing that out
15. February 2015 v3.0.6
* Updated plugin to support new website design for scraping
* Replaced 256k streams with 320k (256k streams has been discontinued by
* Reworked favorites playlist as the data it relied on was no longer available
+ Readded the channel description as metadata for each channel
24. August 2014 v3.0.5
* Fixed url for channel asset/graphics
29. June 2014 v3.0.4
* Channel description no longer available, using name instead
16. April 2014 v3.0.3
* Rewrote premium login to use - Fixes recent premium login issues
Thanks to Vidar Waagbø for this fix
3. January 2014 v3.0.2
* Fixed file pathing for the config file as well - DOH!
1. January 2014 v3.0.1
* Cache file pathing on OSes not using *UNIX syntax (Windows)
31 December 2013 v3.0.0
+ Rewrote whole plugin
+ Threading of playlists parsing to speed up first run and refreshing of playlists - 8 threads
* Now fully support the new design
- Check-in with stats are gone for now
20 May 2013 v2.1.2
* Fixed problems related to new Digitally Imported webpage
Thanks to Vidar Waagbø for the regex patch
22 December 2012 v2.1.1
* Made 256k quality selectable from config (duh!)
* 256k is now default quality for Premium members
8 December 2012 v2.1.0
+ Added a 4th stream quality option for Premium members: 256k/sec MP3
+ Now using the config.ini file to hopefully streamline the process of updating the plugins
* Fixed it so UTF8 chars is handled correctly in channelnames
* Fixed a "miscalculation" that made it so when using favorites, the playlist being activated when clicking the channelname,
was actually the one belonging to the next channelname, etc.
30 Oct 2012 v2.0.0
+ Using JSON to get streams addresses instead of parsing the HTML for them
+ Added an indication of what quality the stream is, shown as i.e: 64 kb
* Complete rewrite of the codebase, making it more modular and generally awesomer
* Using Di.fms own JSON data to find streams, instead of parsing the HTML by RegEx
* Changed the highlight color of new channels from orange to blue, as the "currently playing" channel is orange in the default skin for Eden
* Changed default refresh rate from 360 (6 hours) to 720 hours (12 hours)
* Updated addons description
Thanks to DexN for making me aware of the JSON data and for being my willing guinea pig Wink
And now, screenshots!
Addon icon

New settings with tabbed layout

Notification of new channels

Highlighting of new channels

Playing AAC+ stream with channelart

My website - horribly neglected!

I have again totally rewritten both my Digitally Imported and plugins
- Multithreading - using 8 simultaneous threads that downloads coverart (if not already cached) and parses the playlists - a refresh now takes about 5-7 seconds
- Cache expiration is now calculated in days and not minutes - default 7 days
- When parsing playlists (on cache refresh) it selected a random server playing the stream each time
- The option to open a playlist and select the streaming server you want - off by default
Heres the latest changelog entry:
+ New feature
* Improved/fixed feature
- Removed feature
12. July 2016 v3.1.2
+ Added German translation thanks to i-tek
30. January 2016 v3.1.1
+ Added option that enables/disables the use of Premium account credentials
* Fixed free streams - thank you to Christian Gerbrandt (derchrisuk)
25. March 2015 v3.1.0
+ Got a baby daughter - Ella

* Updated regex getting favorite channels for premium members, fixing issued with 40/64/320k - 128k worked
8. March 2015 v3.0.9
* Updated regex getting channel metadata from HTML
21. February 2015 v3.0.8
* Updated regex getting channel metadata from HTML
15. February 2015 v3.0.7
+ Added login via https for getting the frontpage HTML for premium users
Thanks to thloe-1 for pointing that out
15. February 2015 v3.0.6
* Updated plugin to support new website design for scraping
* Replaced 256k streams with 320k (256k streams has been discontinued by
* Reworked favorites playlist as the data it relied on was no longer available
+ Readded the channel description as metadata for each channel
24. August 2014 v3.0.5
* Fixed url for channel asset/graphics
29. June 2014 v3.0.4
* Channel description no longer available, using name instead
16. April 2014 v3.0.3
* Rewrote premium login to use - Fixes recent premium login issues
Thanks to Vidar Waagbø for this fix
3. January 2014 v3.0.2
* Fixed file pathing for the config file as well - DOH!
1. January 2014 v3.0.1
* Cache file pathing on OSes not using *UNIX syntax (Windows)
31 December 2013 v3.0.0
+ Rewrote whole plugin
+ Threading of playlists parsing to speed up first run and refreshing of playlists - 8 threads
* Now fully support the new design
- Check-in with stats are gone for now
20 May 2013 v2.1.2
* Fixed problems related to new Digitally Imported webpage
Thanks to Vidar Waagbø for the regex patch
22 December 2012 v2.1.1
* Made 256k quality selectable from config (duh!)
* 256k is now default quality for Premium members
8 December 2012 v2.1.0
+ Added a 4th stream quality option for Premium members: 256k/sec MP3
+ Now using the config.ini file to hopefully streamline the process of updating the plugins
* Fixed it so UTF8 chars is handled correctly in channelnames
* Fixed a "miscalculation" that made it so when using favorites, the playlist being activated when clicking the channelname,
was actually the one belonging to the next channelname, etc.
30 Oct 2012 v2.0.0
+ Using JSON to get streams addresses instead of parsing the HTML for them
+ Added an indication of what quality the stream is, shown as i.e: 64 kb
* Complete rewrite of the codebase, making it more modular and generally awesomer
* Using Di.fms own JSON data to find streams, instead of parsing the HTML by RegEx
* Changed the highlight color of new channels from orange to blue, as the "currently playing" channel is orange in the default skin for Eden
* Changed default refresh rate from 360 (6 hours) to 720 hours (12 hours)
* Updated addons description
Thanks to DexN for making me aware of the JSON data and for being my willing guinea pig Wink
And now, screenshots!
Addon icon

New settings with tabbed layout

Notification of new channels

Highlighting of new channels

Playing AAC+ stream with channelart

My website - horribly neglected!