Cannot get rid of title bar on video playback

I am new to this forum and XBMC, from what I have seen so far it is a good media centre.
most things I have managed to work out apart from how to get rid of the title bar (the light blue bar at the top with the minimise maximise and the X to close) anyone able to tell me how to close this bar.

Cheers for all replies
Either go into Settings > System > Video and switch to Fullscreen or use one of the keyboard shortcuts (Tab, ALT+ENTER, backslash, etc.)
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It's the \ next to ENTER on the keyboard
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Alt + Enter resolved my problem thanks for your help
Many thanks for this info. Been on kodi for 2 years but not come across this before.
I'm using Kodi with a QNAP HDMI output in a home theatre. In this situation, the typical remote doesn't have ALT or Enter. I'm not sure the kodi ios remote has it either.

In this situation, it appears to be a bug. To get the blue bar to go away, I have to go to Settings -> Video and toggle between 'default' and 'hdmi', exit settings, go back into settings and now the option for window control is not greyed out and I can set it to non windowed mode. This setting should be sticky and I shouldn't have to re-set it every time I open Kodi.



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