Artwork Downloader Not Grabbing Files When New TV Series Added

I can't work out why the above is occurring.

I have scanned the library using the said app, but it wont download the necessary artwork for it.

And then out of the blue, it will start grabbing all the logo and cleararts and so on.

Does anyone know why this is happening?

There is a specific thread created for Art Work Downloader, which is regularity patrolled by the author of same. But in general, (not withstanding database issues and problem access.. up or down) the program works in the background over time, check the download logs in the program settings. Sometimes, there is no artwork available or a database ofr images is not currently available... but comes back on stream in time for a subsequent search.

Key is 'you're getting something'. Relax.

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Artwork Downloader Not Grabbing Files When New TV Series Added0