Item URL encoding - Strange problem...
I just discovered "ListItem.Property()".
So, getSelectedItem() is no longer the problem. Because i wanted to use getProperty(key) on the selected Item, but now i can also use "ListItem.Property()" for that.

The only problem is, that "ListItem.Property(Path)" returns an empty string.

Any idea?

Or would this "Path" property (if it exists with another name) would be the same as "ListItem.FileNameAndPath" or "ListItem.Path" anyway (removed user authentification and decoded)?

Thanks again,
I dont thought it would be impossible / so complicated.
(2012-06-06, 01:59)jmarshall Wrote: The problem is infolabels are designed for display in the skin - you're using them for quite a different purpose. I'm wary of exposing anything credentials-wise as it's too hard to restrict it.

The playlist stuff likely exposes directly as that's restricted to python.
If its really not possible to solve my problem right now, it would be so great if it can be fixed with Frodo. A python function for getting the currently selected item url, or (a really simple solution):
A new InfoLabel. I know, its not the best way because of the user credentials. BUT: There's also an InfoLabel "Player.Filenameandpath", which contains the raw URL of the currently played media:
With user credentials and correctly encoded. Why is this not possible for the currently selected item?

When the only problem are the authentification infos, why is it okay with "Player.Filenameandpath"?

This new RAW Url InfoLabel "ListItem.FileNameAndPathRAW" would solve the problems in my add-on.

(2012-06-19, 15:06)AddonScriptorDE Wrote:
(2012-06-06, 01:59)jmarshall Wrote: The problem is infolabels are designed for display in the skin - you're using them for quite a different purpose. I'm wary of exposing anything credentials-wise as it's too hard to restrict it.

The playlist stuff likely exposes directly as that's restricted to python.
If its really not possible to solve my problem right now, it would be so great if it can be fixed with Frodo. A python function for getting the currently selected item url, or (a really simple solution):
A new InfoLabel. I know, its not the best way because of the user credentials. BUT: There's also an InfoLabel "Player.Filenameandpath", which contains the raw URL of the currently played media:
With user credentials and correctly encoded. Why is this not possible for the currently selected item?

When the only problem are the authentification infos, why is it okay with "Player.Filenameandpath"?

This new RAW Url InfoLabel "ListItem.FileNameAndPathRAW" would solve the problems in my add-on.

@jmarshall: So there is no chance for a new InfoLabel?
Please fix this so that AddonScriptorDE's awesome Smart Playlists addon can work properly.

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