on top of that short list of nice extra features of the OE which i mentioned above, what could be added?
well the feature that gets asked about a lot, about such devices, is whether there is an equivalent of the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi [RPi]. well your OE is quite unique in being in a state of active, and seemingly rapid, development, with you the developer being in direct touch with your target base. those questions above were asked about completed boards, whereas you're in a position to act on this great demand
on a slight tangent, please see how eagerly the Gooseberry [Gb] board was received by the exact same customer base as can be expected for the OE:
link 1,
link 2,
link 3. (there's a single enquiry for 1k units among other large ones in there)
personally, i only want(ed) RPis to keep in touch with cool projects and developments in that new community, since these A10 devices are way, way(, way) better. if you add a directly compatible version of RPi's GPIO pins, you'd satisfy the desires/requirements of a lot (a LOT) of people and would create very healthy competition and choice in the form of a superb alternative
well that is the business side of my pitch, what about the tech feasibility?
here's a ton of info. i dearly hope some suitably able people can help make this happen, and that it is achievable at all
for the sake of form factor, the goal could be achieved by having a very compact area on your board with the actual RPi-like interface away from the board; i'm sure you can design this nicely
since this is the XBMC forum, let's say that i hope A10 XBMC development gets all the attention a lot of us believe it deserves (actually i think it is already getting this - disclaimers about expectation are surely just disclaimers). anything the respected devs might require, please let relevant people know so they can fulfill
another RPi compatibility feature could be a display connector. as low down as this might be in priority, it might as well get a mention