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WIP Google Music Addon
I'm happy to announce the first public release of a Google Music add-on for XBMC

This plugin is a very early release and uses an Unofficial-Google-Music-Api so use at your own risk.

Latest development release - version 0.8exp19 (by @foreverguest)

Install these addons in this order (to satisfy the dependencies):
1. script.module.mutagen-1.21.0.zip
2. script.module.gmusicapi-2013.02.28.zip
3. plugin.audio.googlemusic-0.8exp19.zip

GitHub Repo:

For submitting bugs please use the github issue tracker:

For any other questions and support I'll be happy to reply here.

not working on ATV2 see the pastebin below, hope you can fix


Even did this https://github.com/vially/googlemusic-xbmc#known-issues


into this:

except ImportError:
__path__ = __import__('pkgutil').extend_path(__path__, __name__)

still not working
You should be able to fix that error by making a few small changes in addons/script.module.gmusicapi/lib/gmusicapi/utils/apilogging.py
You'd have to comment or remove the following lines: http://pastebin.com/diff.php?i=gX8J9JvE

Sorry for all this manual changes you have to make but once the add-on gets more stable I'll submit them all to the official XBMC add-on repository so you won't have to do them yourself anymore.

Hope this helps.

ill give it a go when i get home later, thanks
ok getting closer I think
Made all the changes you noted

Now I can get into Google music but
when I click on
All songs
Instant Mixes

It errors out

See the pastebin for details http://pastebin.com/GsJxtdz8

Hope we can fix we are so closeSmile
Unfortunately at the moment I have no idea what might be the reason for the error you are getting. Apparently it only says that the api call to Google Music has timed out.

From the log it appears that you are running Python 2.6 and I don't know whether or not it is supported by the Unofficial-Google-Music-API. On their project page it only says that it has been tested with Python 2.7.2 so it might be worth trying to upgrade your Python version to 2.7 but I don't know how easy would that be on an ATV2.

Please note that I've also added another know issue to the list so before you try anything else make sure you read that one as well.

Sorry for not being able to provide more help at this time.

hmm, well I dont know how to upgrade python at all, I am using xbmc the latest stable build for ATV2 so not even sure where to begin at this point
Anyone get this working on an openelec configuration, if you have, mind posting the steps. I was looking at the google API instructions and it looks like it you need to run apt-get which is not on the OE linux.

Thanks, I have been looking forward for a google music interface.

I have never used openelec but I have some experience with a couple other linux distributions and I might be able to help you. But first I would need to know why you think you'd need apt-get? I don't know which google API instructions are you following but the way this add-on works is by using script.module.gmusicapi which is basically the Unofficial-Google-Music-API packed for XBMC. This means you won't have to install it yourself because XBMC will download and install it automatically when you install the zip for the Google Music add-on.

Hope this helps.

(2012-06-28, 00:08)vially Wrote: I have never used openelec but I have some experience with a couple other linux distributions and I might be able to help you. But first I would need to know why you think you'd need apt-get? I don't know which google API instructions are you following but the way this add-on works is by using script.module.gmusicapi which is basically the Unofficial-Google-Music-API packed for XBMC. This means you won't have to install it yourself because XBMC will download and install it automatically when you install the zip for the Google Music add-on.

Hope this helps.


Ha, that is because I over thunk it, I looked at the link to the API and assumed from the prior link that it was a dependency, and it the api doc it was talking about apt-get for installing it, and I thought that it needed to be installed first. My error.

I did just install the plugin, looks like it installed ok and I was able to configure it but it appears to be failing on execution.

Here is the log, thanks for the help.

(2012-06-27, 01:32)dallasnights Wrote: ok getting closer I think
Made all the changes you noted

Now I can get into Google music but
when I click on
All songs
Instant Mixes

It errors out

See the pastebin for details http://pastebin.com/GsJxtdz8

Hope we can fix we are so close:)

It looks like I'm +1 on this error....

Still very encouraging, thanks vially!


This seems to be the same problem dallasnight had at the beginning of this thread. I am aware of this bug and I will fix it in the next release of script.module.gmusicapi but for now you would have to fix it manually.

(2012-06-26, 18:40)vially Wrote: You should be able to fix that error by making a few small changes in addons/script.module.gmusicapi/lib/gmusicapi/utils/apilogging.py
You'd have to comment or remove the following lines: http://pastebin.com/diff.php?i=gX8J9JvE

Hope this helps.


Yours seems to be totally unrelated from dallasnights' issue.
This seems to be a logic error in my code but unfortunately I can't manage to reproduce it locally. I might be able to identify the problem more easily if you could send me the log again after installing this version (which is really the same add-on but with more debugging enabled): https://github.com/vially/googlemusic-xb...2.1-devanl


Awesome work vially. I'm really impressed. I've been hoping someone would take a crack at this. I'm able to install and login. I'm also able to view and play music from the Playlist and Instant Playlist menus. Unfortunately, when I try to choose "All Songs," it tries for a minute, and I get an error.

@vially, thank you, those changes correct that problem.

I am now having the exact same issue that @muertecaza is seeing, I am able to play from my Instant Playlist, but "all songs" errors out.


Thank you for your effort here, it is great to be able to play my playlists.

I look forward to artist and album views. Maybe some day being able to generate an Instant Playlist from track.

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