Thumbnails for video add-on's
Hi, I am a newbie here, so please bear with me, i have done so much research before asking this question but i couldn't find the answer in my research, it could be because i am missing something, so if some one point me to step by step guide that will be great.

Now, problem is, i have got Apple Tv2 recently and jailbroken it and installed xbmc on it, i have added some sources and enabled add-on's. now, when i go to videos and video add-on's its showing all the channels in list view but i have seen on youtube and some pictures, they have thumbnails for the channels but they are not showing up for me. when i was checking the forums for this, they said check the userdata folder which will have all thumnails, as they said it contains all the thumbnails but i don't why they are not showing up. please point me in correct direction. thank you very much for your help.
Anyone have an answer please ?
What 'channels' are you referring to? Perhaps a screen shot will help to see what you mean.

If I have helped you in any way, please forgive me, it was entirely accidental.
Hi, Thanks for the reply, its just video add-on's, channels like bbc, sky sports, etc, like anything, once i go to video-->video ad-on's then there are loads of channels which i have enabled using different repo's. so, i expect there all the channels need to show icons instead of just channel list and i select them. I am not at home at the moment, that's why i couldn't give screeshot. Sorry. Thanks.
So the actual addon has no icon? Or once you're running the add-on there's no icons for the channels?

I don't run these addons as I'm in Australia and not a lot works here.

If I have helped you in any way, please forgive me, it was entirely accidental.
Arrow over to the left and the sidebar should pop up. This should have your view options for that screen, letting you change it to an icon-based view.
Hi, thanks for the reply, r u referring to windows/mac? Because how can I do arrow over to left on Apple tv, but any way when I pressed to right on the Apple tv remote it gave me options there I can change view options. But it seems like I have to do for each plug in like that, I think there is should be somewhere centralised view options and when I change, and it should change for all the plug ins. Thank you.
Could THIS be your problem?
Hi, Thanks for the help but i don't think that's my problem, coz i never had them before, even a fresh install itself, all of the add on's, channels etc show up as list not thumnails. any way i thought of giving a try with your solution and i have deleted the texture.db and restarted and its recreated but still problem is same. Thank you.

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