Blue Cop/ ESPN3??
Hello, I want to first thank you for the the XBMC. It is a wonderful program, which I have gotten some good use out of in a very short time. Over the weekend I "jailbroke" my AppleTV2 using these instructions... I used seas0npass, then flashblack, then I added xbmc. According to this video, playon was the option to use for watching ESPN3. However, it proved to be very slow and choppy.

After a little research, I discovered Bluecop. The problem I am having is with the "ESPN add-on" Author: Ksosez, BlueCop Version: 0.9.9

Here is what is happening. Whether I try to watch a "replay" or a "live event" the same things keep occurring. When I choose the event I want, I get the "working" signal in the lower right hand corner of my television. Sometimes I get the message "playback failed, one or more items failed to play. Check the log file for details (don't know where to find the "log files")." Sometimes,.. the event will play for one or two seconds and then stop?

I've turned the add-on settings to "default" and enabled "get new user files," I've played around with the settings in both the ESPN add-on, and XBMC, but can't get it to work. Sometimes I get the "script error message??" I've enabled login and turned the cable/ internet provider to insight (my provider) and entered both my insight and espn usernames and passwords but still nothing??

I'm afraid that I'm not very tech savvy and don't have any other ideas. I am however very capable of following instructions, and would appreciate any help that anyone can offer. It seems like there is something very simple that I am missing?

Welcome to the XBMC forums.

You can help BlueCop and others identify the nature of your error by providing them access to a copy of your debug log (wiki) (the "log file" referenced in one of the error messages).

Enable debug logging in XBMC (System/Settings > System > Debugging > Enable debug logging). Exit XBMC and restart it (wait a minute for the initialization tasks to complete). Launch the add-on and select a video to play. When you receive an error message, exit XBMC immediately and locate the debug log (wiki) (xbmc.log) on your hard drive. Upload the entire contents of the debug log (wiki) file to or and post the URL link to your uploaded log here with your reply.
Here is the link to my log,

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Blue Cop/ ESPN3??0