Win Bug with blacklist for addons?

I am not sure if this is a skin specific question or a general. I Use the Skin Aeon Nox. Please dont ask why but I want to use the Version 3.5.0. There are two updates (3.6.0 and 3.6.1). After the first update (3.6.0) I changed back to 3.5.0 and everything worked perfectly (the version 3.6.0 was "blacklisted"). Then there was another update (3.6.1) and the skin updated to this version. Then I changed back again to 3.5.0. But this time the version 3.6.1 was not blacklisted. Now at least every day I have to change the skin back to 3.5.0 because XBMC automatically updates to the latest version.
I looked at me log and spotted some errors:
23:44:21 T:4384   ERROR: SQL: Abort due to constraint violation
                                            Query: insert into blacklist(id, addonID, version) values(NULL, 'skin.aeon.nox', '3.6.0')
23:44:21 T:4384   ERROR: CAddonDatabase::BlacklistAddon failed on addon 'skin.aeon.nox' for version '3.6.0'
23:44:21 T:4384   ERROR: SQL: Abort due to constraint violation
                                            Query: insert into blacklist(id, addonID, version) values(NULL, 'skin.aeon.nox', '3.6.1')
23:44:21 T:4384   ERROR: CAddonDatabase::BlacklistAddon failed on addon 'skin.aeon.nox' for version '3.6.1'
23:44:26 T:4384   ERROR: unmatched parentheses in Substring(Control.GetLabel(4),Absteigend
Please can somebody help me? This is really getting on my nerves!

Thank you very much,
Turn off automatic add-on updates:

Settings -> Add-ons

then bring up the sidebar options by navigating to the left

disable auto updates.
Thanks, works perfect!

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Bug with blacklist for addons?0
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