Shortcut for audio track change

Short question.

Is there an shortcut for changing the audio track in an movie?

You have "A" for adjust the sync of sound.
But can`t find if there is "letter" for audio track

Sorry if this has being asked before.
Google did not find anything...Sad
Petter :-)
Many thanks for all the effort YOU all do! THANKS! :-)
nVidia Shield TV (2015), Samsung QE75Q70R and Yamaha RX-V767
It's probably not setup by default. Look in keyboard.xml in system/keymaps for the default map. Copy it to userdata/keymaps if you change it. AudioNextLanguage is the action IIRC.
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I will look at this when I get home from work today...
It`s Friday, and that`s the last workday of the week... Nice:-)
Petter :-)
Many thanks for all the effort YOU all do! THANKS! :-)
nVidia Shield TV (2015), Samsung QE75Q70R and Yamaha RX-V767
Hi again.

Sorry, but I did not find/understand this.

I opened keyboard.xml file, and searched for AudioNextLanguage but did not find this?

And out from the name"audionextlanguage" will this say that it changes the language file (track).
Not between the different audio sets, like DTS, Dolby and so on?
Petter :-)
Many thanks for all the effort YOU all do! THANKS! :-)
nVidia Shield TV (2015), Samsung QE75Q70R and Yamaha RX-V767
In the keyboard.xml file you just use a key that isn't being used (or find one that is being used for something you don't care for) and map it to "audionextlanguage". For example, you can add it to the section that says <fullscreenvideo> (since that's the only time we will need this action) and add


then save keyboard.xml to your userdata (wiki) folder under "keymaps".

Then the letter K will cycle through the audio language tracks.

As for your second question, I'm not really sure. I think it will cycle all of the audio tracks.
Thanks, this worked like a charm..
Nice :-)

Petter :-)
Many thanks for all the effort YOU all do! THANKS! :-)
nVidia Shield TV (2015), Samsung QE75Q70R and Yamaha RX-V767
Hi, again

This don`t work anymore.

AudioNextLanguage does not do this ant more. Just comes up vomule something.

I have changed the from "k" to "RightParenthesis", because "RightParenthesis" is free from what I could
search in keyboard XML file. (there is soon nothing left for new things on the keyboard that could work with an Harmony remote)

Is there something new with FRODO?
Petter :-)
Many thanks for all the effort YOU all do! THANKS! :-)
nVidia Shield TV (2015), Samsung QE75Q70R and Yamaha RX-V767
(2012-12-09, 00:33)pettergulbra Wrote: Hi, again

This don`t work anymore.

AudioNextLanguage does not do this ant more. Just comes up vomule something.

I have changed the from "k" to "RightParenthesis", because "RightParenthesis" is free from what I could
search in keyboard XML file. (there is soon nothing left for new things on the keyboard that could work with an Harmony remote)

Is there something new with FRODO?

I just tried it with Frodo RC3 and it's still working for me.
Sorry for late answer, but yes it looks like it working OK.

Petter :-)
Many thanks for all the effort YOU all do! THANKS! :-)
nVidia Shield TV (2015), Samsung QE75Q70R and Yamaha RX-V767
I just did this and it worked for me, I can't believe this isn't a default keyboard mapping but all these idiot PVR things are, which interrupt playback. MAN I wish I could find an option which just turns off ALL PVR STUFF ENTIRELY FOREVER
I plan on proposing this as a default for long-press up during video playback. Long-press down would then be subtitles. People I spoke with found these more useful than next/prev.
As in enable subtitles / disable or change language of subtitles?

Ned how do I make opensubtitles my default provider btw? I'm so sick of browsing to the right to switch provider, I never use the stock one.
Both. Subs get rotated and "off" is one of the options.

Default provider should be an option in the subtitle settings under Settings -> Videos.

I'd like to disable that feature, but I don't know where to do it...

Coud anyone help me ? Thanks !

-- EDIT --

I tried adding 

<up mod="longpress"></up>
<down mod="longpress"></down>


<up mod="longpress">noop</up>
<down mod="longpress">noop</down>

to my keymap xml, with no success.
OK it works, there was 2 errors :

- it's Up (not up), the cap was missing.
- those lines has to be put in the "fullscreen section", not the global.

Here is below my ***.xml file, to help anyone trying to do the same stuff :

    <j mod="shift,alt">Notification(ENCEINTES DU BUFFET,NORMAL,4)</j>
    <b mod="ctrl,alt">Notification(SON 5.1,NORMAL,4)</b>
    <t mod="ctrl,alt">Notification(SON STÉRÉO,MODE CINÉMA,4)</t>
    <d mod="shift,alt">Notification(BASSES,SANS SUB,4)</d>
    <u mod="shift,alt">Notification(DELAY AUDIO,NORMAL,4)</u>
    <k mod="shift,alt">Notification(DELAY AUDIO,NETFLIX,4)</k>
    <l mod="ctrl,alt">Notification(SON,FORMAT ORIGINAL,4)</l>
    <r mod="shift,alt">Notification(BASSES,SANS SUB ET BAISSÉES,4)</r>
    <n mod="shift,alt">Notification(SON,COMPRESSÉ,4)</n>
    <v mod="shift,alt">Notification(SON,DYNAMIQUE ORIGINALE,4)</v>
    <y mod="shift,alt">Notification(BASSES,NORMALES,4)</y>
    <x mod="shift,alt">AudioDelayPlus</x>
    <s mod="shift,alt">AudioDelayMinus</s>
    <!-- IMAGE -->
    <e mod="shift,alt">zoomout</e>
    <f mod="shift,alt">verticalshiftdown</f>
    <g mod="shift,alt">zoomin</g>
    <h mod="shift,alt">verticalshiftup</h>
    <!-- REATTRIBUER LE RACCOURCI CLAVIER CTRL+SHIT+R (qui génère un changement de colorimétrie) POUR PAS QU'IL S'ACTIVE AVEC VOLUME UP-->
    <r mod="ctrl,shift">noop</r> 
    <Up mod="longpress"></Up>
    <Down mod="longpress"></Down>

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Shortcut for audio track change0