Req Mouse cursor for use with Mele F10
Hi there!

I have been trying to find the answer to my question before I created a new post but, unfortunately I have not been able so, there we go.

I am using XBMC in Windows 7 (11.0 Eden) and I have recently bought a remote control, Mele F10 which acts as keyboard and mouse at the same time. The mouse option acts like a wiimote.
Info here

The remote side has the usual 4-way buttons but the central and back are shared with left and right mouse buttons, so when I am in XBMC I have to keep "use mouse" in the settings, otherwise I would have to remap some other buttons which I have found not very convenient. The question is that every time I click either left (OK) or right (back) buttons, the mouse cursor appears on the screen, making it quite messy.

I have tried to make the mouse cursor disappear using the next setting in my "mouse.xml" in both user appdata and also in the general settings, unsuccessfully.




What am I doing wrong? I think those options are for removing the cursor, but I can still see it in the screen.

Can anyone help me, please?
I have the same problem...
Have you solve it?


I have not solved it, I am just using the mouse with this remote, which I don´t like but works.

Hopefully we will get some kind of configuration into the remote control, or XMBC will make it a bit simpler. In the meantime I will use it like that.

Also have this problem and am also currently just dealing with it, but I figured I would at least share a few things that have made it easier for me. I used KeyMapEdit and ShowKey to modify keyboard.xml so that I have a few other useful buttons on the remote side (see: I set the "Home" button as back, and the bottom row of buttons turned out to be F1, F2, F3 and F4, which I remapped to be play/pause, stop, rewind and fast forward. So after I got used to not using the left and right click buttons and using these instead, the mouse only appears if I mis-click (which still happens... that middle button still gets me).

But I would also really like to find the solution to the problem that you mentioned. I'll hit you back if I ever figure anything out for it.

I created a script to use Mele F10 + XBMC together in Windows 7.
I've written it in autohotkey.
You can see the remapped buttons on this image:
This is the source code:
This is the source file:
And this is the compiled exe:

I recommend to copy it to your startup folder, and disable mouse in xbmc.

But I have a problem too:
I don't know how to detect some buttons (1,6,7,10,15,16 on the picture).
Any suggestions?

Hi Jurki,

Thanks for this, I have the same mouse. I'm going to try to implement this with some minor modifications (mapping back to the back key, Home I already have mapped to the windows key in windows to pull up the start (metro) menu since I'm running windows 8).

From my research 1,6,7,15 and 16 are all IR buttons and you would need an USB/IR cable (I have one but can't find suitable drivers) to use those buttons. 10 as far as I understand is a button to enable/disable the enter and back buttons as mouse clicks.

If anyone knows of a USB/IRDA driver for windows 7/8 it would be appreciated, I could then test the rest of these buttons.

I saw a video of some guy playing angry birds with proper wii like sensing using IRDA, but there's a complete lack of instructions on how to actually get that to work.

Hey guys, with the script jurki shared, the mouse cursor will be disabled in xbmc and the directional keys on remote side will work?

Hope it does,
Thanks Jurki!

(2012-12-25, 04:51)lucho528 Wrote: Hey guys, with the script jurki shared, the mouse cursor will be disabled in xbmc and the directional keys on remote side will work?

Hope it does,

I disabled the mouse in XBMC's settings. The directional keys work with Jurki's script!
Thanks Jurki!
Based on your script I have rearranged the buttons to serve XBMC better (to my opinion Smile ).
I have also added the content menu and the information buttons.

Here are my files:

Remapped buttons:
Source code:
Source file:
Compiled exe:
You could also make transparent-blank pngs of:


Within the skin's media folder.
Well, I am happy to have found you all as I just received mine today, and the remote was not what I had expected. I love the "potential" though.


I have used both of the last two executable scripts and they both seem to work. The issue for me is once I hit a bottom that relates to the mouse it minimizes XBMC and the air mouse becomes fully engaged within windows. If i repeat that same button press, it brings XBMC back to the front but the mouse cursor is now visible. Furthermore, once this happens... Any press of the primary "enter" button forces XBMC to minimize again.

Any thoughts, or input? Happy to post a log if this would help... Just don't want to presume anyone is willing to read it Wink

P.S. can I share these keymap links on my site XBMCHUB.COM? I know folks would love this info!
will always be grateful for XBMC and XBMC.ORG
You should turn the mouse input off in XBMC setting (if you haven't done it already) for the remote to work as it should.

At least for my script, you can share it on you site.
I have it turned off in XBMC and the controls work GREAT... THAT IS UNTIL I HIT THE too two mouse buttons
above the navigation pad. This forces me into desktop mode and I lose all control of the mouse buttons.

I am using yours right now... Thou I am windows 8, could that be my issue.

UPDATE: I discovered that hitting FUN + win, on another keyboard, launched start menu, in metro, hitting again launched into XBMC and controls were back.

UPDATE TWO: flip the remote over and press the go button, this launches metro's search. Press escape and you are back in XBMC with control.
will always be grateful for XBMC and XBMC.ORG
UPDATE: seems that you need to set the display as windowed fullscreen instead of true full screen, took away the problem completely.
I am just wandering what versions of windows this works with?

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Mouse cursor for use with Mele F101
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