Req Mouse cursor for use with Mele F10
Hi there guys,
I'm using your scripts as a base to configure my own Mele F10, but something is still missing...
I'd like to bind the F1-F4 keys to move directly to (respectively) movies library, TV Shows library, Music library and launch PseudoTV, but frankly I don't know what kind of action to "summon" in the bindings in keyboard.xml.
Anybody can help?
<somebutton>ActivateWindow(settings)</somebutton> for example
Hi, I I just bought this remote and would like to remap the keys to those shown by Sharbel, but am clueless on what to do with the ahk and exe files (only basic IT knowledge). Could someone please give me some advice on how to copy over the new keys or whatever needs to be done to remap the remote?

thanks alot

(2013-03-28, 16:59)sharbel Wrote: Thanks for all the help. I wrote my own script (based on Juki's and costa37's code) that works with my preferences.

I added some functionality for Flash video (green text in picture) and ability to log off, sleep or switch windows regardless of what program you have open.

My keymap:

My ahk file:

My exe file:
(2013-03-28, 16:59)sharbel Wrote: Thanks for all the help. I wrote my own script (based on Juki's and costa37's code) that works with my preferences.

I added some functionality for Flash video (green text in picture) and ability to log off, sleep or switch windows regardless of what program you have open.

My keymap:

My ahk file:

My exe file:

I've been using this setting for my Mele f10 remote in XBMC before, but after upgrade to Kodi i'm unable to use centre button as enter and right click as back/exit. Is there anything i need to do to make it work.
(2015-03-23, 21:42)luville Wrote: I've been using this setting for my Mele f10 remote in XBMC before, but after upgrade to Kodi i'm unable to use centre button as enter and right click as back/exit. Is there anything i need to do to make it work.

From what I could tell, the keymap script is looking for an active window called XBMC which doesn't exist now since it was renamed to Kodi. I changed it in the script to Kodi and recompiled it and it's working again on my end.

Here is the .exe you can run to try (or just rename the XMBC to Kodi in the original .ahk file and run in autohotkey).

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Mouse cursor for use with Mele F101
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