thanks for response, I'll try to answer all questions
Quote:how do we download it...i dont see it on google code...
at the moment you have to download the latest "packaged" release, which is on google code. On every start tmm will check for updates.
Myron is working on an release independent installer which will be small and download everything needed for the first start.
Quote:Just noticed that in settings for Movies - Images, there is no selection in poster called <movie filename>-poster.jpg (which is the format in Frodo when you export) so none of my posters are showing up. Submitted issue http://code.google.com/p/tinymediamanage...tail?id=17
I will have a look at it soon!
Quote:2. Every film have must be in an own directory? I have some diectories for sets. tinyMM reads this as one film only.
I was using a directory for multiple movies for some time until i found out, which benefits a "clean" folder structure has. As myron said, there are not only movie files in this folder; you can have the movie files, nfo files, poster, fanart (+extrathumbs), subtitles, chapter files, trailers in the same folder. Its getting messy with more than one movie.
You said you have separated movie sets into folders; what about the following structure?
- Harry Potter Collection
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Terminator Collection
- The Terminator
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day
- Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
- Terminator Salvation
Quote:I can't use german genres when i want to edit the films.
I added all genres I've found in TMDB and IMDB. Which genres are missing?
Quote:Is it possible to modify movieset poster and fanart and load the ones we have? Like some posters are ok but the fanart is terrible for the collection.
Changing artwork of moviesets i planned, but I do not know where to store it? I did not found a way how XMBC will take the movieset artwork, I've chosen in tmm (I think XBMC stores the artwork for moviesets internally - will have a look at it)
Quote:Also many of my movies Fanart are not showing up for example 13 Assassins
Detecting fanart, which is present at the initial import is on my ToDo list!
As you all see, there are many things ToDo, but I will do my best to implement them as soon as I have time for it