Plot Outline vs. Plot Summary
Can anyone offer information regarding the shortening of the summaries in Shade-Eden? I've tinkered around with ViewsVideoLibrary.xml, changing ListItem.Plot to ListItem.PlotOutline, but have met with no success. I am using the fanart display mode with the clickable posters leading to the show information screen. The plot summaries are too long and often contain information that may spoil the film for those who have never seen it. Any information would be greatly appreciated!
You want to have plot outlines in the information screen? or in the "root" views?
I wish to have the plot summary box in the show information screen give the shorter plot outline vs. the longer plot summary. I have changed ListItem.Plot to ListItem.PlotOutline wherever it is found in the ViewsVideoLibrary.xml to no avail. I have also just tried changing it in the view mode that I'm using (fanart) but usually the box shows up empty or remains unchanged.

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