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Release CU LRC Lyrics
(2013-11-23, 17:51)cw-kid Wrote: Hello

I am seeing a lot of entries like this in the XBMC.log

15:42:19 T:140633077950208   ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 299
15:42:21 T:140633077950208   ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
15:42:21 T:140633077950208   ERROR: Failed to run the gc to clean up after running prior to shutting down the Interpreter /storage/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py
15:42:21 T:140633077950208 WARNING: The python script "/storage/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: WindowXMLDialog,Window,Player
15:42:25 T:140633077950208  NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
15:42:25 T:140632987264768  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
15:42:25 T:140632987264768  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
15:42:25 T:140633077950208  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
15:42:25 T:140635613140800   ERROR: ClearBlock: Trying to clear non existent block /storage/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics

What does it mean? Or is it nothing to worry about?

I am using the Aeon MQ5 skin and XBMC V12.2


by default the script tries to set focus to the lyrics list.
when no lyrics are found, it falls back to setting focus to control 299.
the custom lyrics skin in aeon mq5 doesn't have this control, so you'll get in error in the log.

nothing to worry about. in the next version (for gotham) this issue is gone anyway.
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OK thanks Ronie!
(2013-11-20, 03:41)MassIV Wrote: Or get it to load the musicOSD on top with pressing M and still have the lyrics visible.

Also, if i run as default and close the window i can't re-open with the button in the OSD.

both things added:

i've made the music osd accessible when the script window is active.

clicking the lyrics button on the osd *should* bring up the script window again.
i'm not 100% sure if it works in all cases... or if it breaks something else.
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Awesome Smile thnx for that. Tested and works, so far looks like nothing broke.
Image [RELEASE] Metroid
Image [RELEASE] IrcChat
Is there any way to display lyrics over the music visualizations, by default? I'm trying to get a karaoke type of setup going on. I'm using Aeon Nox with the 1.0.7 version of the addon. I also get a "dependencies not met" error when trying to install lrclyrics 2.0.7 (something about texture manager unable to load a png file).
(2013-12-02, 05:05)Geoff29 Wrote: Is there any way to display lyrics over the music visualizations, by default? I'm trying to get a karaoke type of setup going on. I'm using Aeon Nox with the 1.0.7 version of the addon. I also get a "dependencies not met" error when trying to install lrclyrics 2.0.7 (something about texture manager unable to load a png file).

lrclyrics 2.0.7 will display the lyrics automatically, but it is only suitable for xbmc gotham.

i'm not sure if aeon.nox has some option to display the lyrics by default,
you may want to ask in their help forum.
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(2013-12-02, 12:08)ronie Wrote: lrclyrics 2.0.7 will display the lyrics automatically, but it is only suitable for xbmc gotham.

i'm not sure if aeon.nox has some option to display the lyrics by default,
you may want to ask in their help forum.

Thanks! That did it.
lyrics are not shown on gotham alpha 9 and 10..i keep downgrade back to alpha8.
it seems the the lyrics search works and then just not showing.
anyone knows how to solve this?
(2013-12-05, 21:56)carmelshay Wrote: lyrics are not shown on gotham alpha 9 and 10..i keep downgrade back to alpha8.
it seems the the lyrics search works and then just not showing.
anyone knows how to solve this?

ok fixed it. ive been using an old 1.0.7 version. why didnt it updated on xbmc? i just found the zip file for
2.0.7 on one of the posts here;;
Ronie, could you take a look at a problem I'm having with the CU LRC Lyrics on Aeon MQ5.

Steps to recreate problem:

Play a song and hit Tab to bring up the Visualization

NOW, this is where the problem begins.........

When I press the 'M' key to bring up the OSD, something appears in the middle of the screen for a split second then disappears. (It looks like the OSD)

Clicking the right arrow button on the keyboard does bring up the OSD. Now when I try to skip to the next song or the previous, nothing happens. Volume options do not work either. All other buttons do what they are supposed to do i.e. (Play, Pause, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind, Mute)

(2013-12-06, 08:27)johnsills1 Wrote: Ronie, could you take a look at a problem I'm having with the CU LRC Lyrics on Aeon MQ5.

Steps to recreate problem:

Play a song and hit Tab to bring up the Visualization

NOW, this is where the problem begins.........

When I press the 'M' key to bring up the OSD, something appears in the middle of the screen for a split second then disappears. (It looks like the OSD)

Clicking the right arrow button on the keyboard does bring up the OSD. Now when I try to skip to the next song or the previous, nothing happens. Volume options do not work either. All other buttons do what they are supposed to do i.e. (Play, Pause, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind, Mute)


hey, need some more info :-)
- xbmc version
- cu lrclyrics version
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(2013-12-06, 19:48)ronie Wrote: hey, need some more info :-)
- xbmc version
- cu lrclyrics version

Thanks for helping out Ronie.....

XBMC Version 12.2 Frodo
CU LRC Lyrics 1.0.7
(2013-12-06, 08:27)johnsills1 Wrote: When I press the 'M' key to bring up the OSD, something appears in the middle of the screen for a split second then disappears. (It looks like the OSD)

yup, see it. you first have to close the lyrics window before you can access the music osd.
this has changed in the new version (for xbmc gotham) of cu lrclyrics.
it'll work without a problem there.

(2013-12-06, 08:27)johnsills1 Wrote: Clicking the right arrow button on the keyboard does bring up the OSD. Now when I try to skip to the next song or the previous, nothing happens. Volume options do not work either. All other buttons do what they are supposed to do i.e. (Play, Pause, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind, Mute)

this is a bug in aeon.mq5 as far as i can tell.
those buttons also don't work if you don't have cu lrclyrics installed,
so it's not related to this addon.
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(2013-11-07, 01:02)capfuturo Wrote:
(2013-11-07, 00:24)ronie Wrote: if either/all of you could do a test with confluence + culrc v2.05:

please post a full debug log when things don't work out.

btw, if you have seen it yet, please have a quick look at the things that've changed in the gotham version of this addon:

Good night Ronie,

Latest CU LRC Lyrics v.2.0.5 tested on XBMC 13.0 Gotham Alpha 9 for OS X 10.9 Mavericks & Aeon Nox 4.0.9 with 100% success.

Big thanks for your prompt gesture in issuing an update, as always.

I'm using Alpha 11 and CU LRC Lyrics v2.0.7 and it does work and the lyrics appear automatically. The problem is I can't disable it! I can turn it off for one song but then it re-appears next song! Any way I can choose when I want them to display?
(2013-12-07, 05:51)xbmc17 Wrote: I'm using Alpha 11 and CU LRC Lyrics v2.0.7 and it does work and the lyrics appear automatically. The problem is I can't disable it! I can turn it off for one song but then it re-appears next song! Any way I can choose when I want them to display?

you can disable the auto-appear functionality (run as service) in the addon settings.
that way, you'll can manually launch the script as before.
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