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Release CU LRC Lyrics
i can't reproduce the first issue... the log snippet also shows the addon is doing what it's supposed to do.

the other issues are due to the addon keeping your last 10 played tracks in memory and using this cached data instead of searching again.
i'll improve that in the next version.
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(2019-02-20, 01:53)ronie Wrote: the addon keeping your last 10 played tracks in memory
Ok, that I did not know. Thanks for the upcoming improvement Smile
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Another thought...

How can I stop lyrics from being downloaded. For example I have many songs, which are just instrumentals, but Lyrics are found and downloaded that do not match the song, or are meant for a different version of the song.

I have tried adding an empty *.lrc file in the hopes that the add-on would see it and display a blank page, but it skips it and downloads the unwanted lyrics anyway.

Is it possible to implement "Empty LRC file = Display nothing"? Or maybe the lrc file requires some code / trigger word that the add-on would recognise?

I know I could write "Instrumental" in the lrc file, but that would keep the Lyrics overlay on screen displaying the single word. The top bar message, is a bit more discrete...

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Hi ronie, since you said you are working in a new version I would like to make a request; when trying to sync some songs I have noticed that +/-5 seconds are not enough in some cases... please, could those limits be longer?

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(2019-02-18, 00:44)ronie Wrote: nope emby should be no problem.

could you briefly test one thing for me?

please disable this setting:
settings > player > music > play next song automatically

now restart kodi and check if lyrics work.
...keep in mind it might take a bit of time for them to appear, so wait for at least 30 secs
Thanks, I'll keep an eye on it. It seems to be working as of now so let's hope for the best Smile
(2019-02-20, 05:04)Karellen Wrote: How can I stop lyrics from being downloaded. For example I have many songs, which are just instrumentals, but Lyrics are found and downloaded that do not match the song

if incorrect lyrics are downloaded, let me know which artist & song. there's always a chance i could fix that in the addon.

(2019-02-20, 05:04)Karellen Wrote: I have tried adding an empty *.lrc file in the hopes that the add-on would see it and display a blank page, but it skips it and downloads the unwanted lyrics anyway.

that should work. it's again an issue i cannot reproduce i'm afraid....
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(2019-02-20, 13:10)manfeed Wrote: Hi ronie, since you said you are working in a new version I would like to make a request; when trying to sync some songs I have noticed that +/-5 seconds are not enough in some cases... please, could those limits be longer?
 i had a quick look and sadly it's not as easy as replacing a '5' with a '10' somewhere in the code,
so not sure at the moment. i'll have a closer look at it in the near future.
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Thanks @ronie,

Let me look at the empty lrc file again. Maybe I was caught out by the "last 10 lyrics" function. If it still happens, I'll capture it in a Debug Log.

I'll collate a few songs that download incorrect lyrics and send them to you if you prefer.
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to avoid putting a lot of work on you, please wait till i've finished the next version of cu.lrc
a few of those issues might be fixed already then.
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Sure, will do. Thanks
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@manfeed could you please test script.cu.lrclyrics-5.5.10.zip

the manual offset is now in the -20 sec / +20 sec range.
would like to know if it all works correctly :-)
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Thanks @ronie 

Here my findings; when trying to sync a song while it's still playing all is ok, I can adjust beyond the old limit of 5 seconds without any problem. However, if I play that song again I have to sync it again, it's as if the delay it's not taken into account. The same happens if I close Kodi and restart again. I checked the lyrics lrc file and the delay it's written correctly, it's only that it's not been taken into account.

The song I tested (needs 7 seconds delay) is Gloriana - Gloriana (2009) - Lead me on
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(2019-02-23, 01:21)manfeed Wrote: Here my findings; when trying to sync a song while it's still playing all is ok, I can adjust beyond the old limit of 5 seconds without any problem. However, if I play that song again I have to sync it again, it's as if the delay it's not taken into account.

thx, yup, it was using the cached lyrics from memory. should be fixed now:

(2019-02-23, 01:21)manfeed Wrote: The same happens if I close Kodi and restart again. I checked the lyrics lrc file and the delay it's written correctly, it's only that it's not been taken into account.
hmm... i can't reproduce that. mind double checking with the new version?
(please note the sync slider does not display the file offset, so it will be set to zero, but the lyrics should be in sync)
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I tested v18 on Win10 using script.cu.lrclyrics-5.5.11

I attempted to play two instrumentals. I have empty LRC files next to song files as shown. I have checked files and they are encoded as UTF-8 according to Notepad++...

The first song E:\Music\Compilations\Open Space 3\Emotions of Paradise.flac an online search was performed by lrclyrics
The second song E:\Music\Compilations\Open Space 3\Freedom To Move (Domino Theory Remix).flac an online search was performed.

In this instance, neither song had online lyrics available, so nothing was downloaded, but it is still ignoring local files.

Log is here... https://paste.kodi.tv/vucudicabe.kodi
First song at Line 2467
Second song at Line 3026
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(2019-02-23, 04:34)Karellen Wrote: I tested v18 on Win10 using script.cu.lrclyrics-5.5.11
 great, but not what i asked for ;-)
ronie on slack Wrote:here's the new version + some extra logging added just for you :-)
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