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Release CU LRC Lyrics
(2019-02-05, 14:19)Beercade Wrote: Great Add-on.  It provides hours of entertainment for me and my friends.  I have set it to save the lrc files, and that works great and is quick when changing songs too.  I have a large library, so ive just been letting KODI play in Party Mode for a few days do download lyrics, but while im doing that, I was wondering if there was a way to scan my entire library to download all lrc files locally in a quick way rather than just when the song is played.Or maybe someone knows of a 3rd party application that does this?

If you have found an app that can dw all the lyrics as .lrc 
it would be really helpful to me
(2012-12-06, 07:23)taxigps Wrote: script.cu.lrclyrics

the script first tries to find synchronised (lrc) lyrics.
if no lrc lyrics are available, it will continue to search for unsynchronised (text) lyrics.
lrc lyrics will automatically scroll in kodi, text based lyrics will not.

depending on which options you've enabled, the script searches for lyrics in this order:
  1. embedded lrc lyrics
  2. lrc lyrics file
  3. lrc scrapers
  4. embedded text lyrics
  5. text lyrics file
  6. text scrapers

when the scripts downloads lyrics through one of the scrapers,
you can optionally save them to a file for future use.

use the kodi addon repo to install it.

If you have issues with this addon, please post a Debug Log!

1 enable debug logging in kodi
2 enable debug logging in the cu lrclyrics addon settings
3 restart kodi
4 reproduce the issue
5 post the entire kodi.log file on http://paste.ubuntu.com/

You will receive NO support without a debug log.

Request advise why my CU LRC lyrics do not display on the screen in Matrix. Debug log created as below:


lyrics will be shown on the musicvisualization screen, so you'll need to switch to that window.
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(2021-09-23, 21:01)ronie Wrote: lyrics will be shown on the musicvisualization screen, so you'll need to switch to that window.

Thank a million. I did that and it is fine now
Looks like local file search is not works well when track title contains double quotes which is not a valid character in file name on Windows.
Track title: 恋愛サーキュレーション -Yunomi "Kawaii EDM" Remix-
Artist: 花澤香菜
I try both 花澤香菜 - 恋愛サーキュレーション -Yunomi Kawaii EDM Remix-.lrc and 花澤香菜 - 恋愛サーキュレーション -Yunomi _Kawaii EDM_ Remix-.lrc , bot all not works.
Log file: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xQGmyNdD9z/
@lifegpc could you please test if this version fixes the problem:

it should work with 花澤香菜 - 恋愛サーキュレーション -Yunomi Kawaii EDM Remix-.lrc
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Possible to ignore .txt files from being pulled in ? I have all sources enabled, I'm not sure if it's a specific source that's pulling them in or what..but for what i use them for .txt files are pretty pointless and i'd rather just not have them. .lrc files work just fine.
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 
@Shredder_guitar it's not possible in the current version, but i've added an option so you can select .lrc / .txt files individually


please test this version and let me know if it suits your needs:
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WOW! what a quick response time!, Thank you for making the update, I will run with it for a while and see if it continues to pull txt files in and circle back. Thanks again!
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 
(2021-10-13, 14:28)Shredder_guitar Wrote: WOW! what a quick response time!, Thank you for making the update, I will run with it for a while and see if it continues to pull txt files in and circle back. Thanks again!

Circling back to this, it's been a couple days and i am still seeing .txt files show up in my lyrics folder. It may be possible that since i have multiple instances of Kodi running that i hadn't synced them yet before the settings between instances were synced and new txt files were created. Unlikely...but still possible. I am going to clean up the txt files one more time and continue to monitor it. Thanks again for your support for this feature.

*update* wait, I just noticed that the verbiage indicates that it's only "searching" for lrc files to be used ....so that means that the txt files would still be pulled in but not used in kodi, right?....worst case scenario is i could make a script that periodically cleans these up if it's not possible. 

Is it possible to not pull them in at all?  
I can't imagine it's this way for everyone, but to me the .txt files would just be localized junk that i'd rather not even spend the space on..i know they're tiny, but they add up, right? Worst case scenario is i could just write a script that periodically cleans these up.
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 
ah, i misinterpreted "pull in"... i thought you meant reading lyrics from text files.

i have now also added new settings to disable writing lyrics to txt files:

please check again with this version:
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support.
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No worries, thank you for updating, I'll go with this and circle back for an update
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 

thanks for your plugin!
I use it with Airplay, but there's an issue:

Every time a song is changing, the last text fragment of the old song stucks and the text of the new song doesn't show up.

I have to close and re-enter the full-screen mode to get the text of the new song.

Here is the log but I didn't find an error:

When the lyrics are shown my musicvisualization keymappings stop working. Any way to get around this? Global keymappings still work.

I don't actually need the add-ons own key assignments since I only use synchronized lyrics and therefor don't need to manually scroll through the lyrics.
@ronie : I'm using the CR LRC Lyrics addon with the Confluence skin.

In Kodi 19.4 the lyrics window has some visual bugs:
  1. The music item title is not displayed in the header line of the window.
  2. The output of the page numbers is scambled.

The lyrics window in Confluence with Kodi 18.9 Leia seems to be ok:

Is this a problem with the CU LRC Lyrics addon or is there a bug in the Confluence skin of Kodi Matrix ?
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