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Release CU LRC Lyrics
@arneson it works fine in Estuary, so most likely a bug in Confluence.
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(2022-04-08, 15:48)sialivi Wrote: When the lyrics are shown my musicvisualization keymappings stop working. Any way to get around this?

when lyrics are show, the musicvisualization window isn't the active window anymore, but the cu lrc window is.
so you would need to define a section in your keymap file for this window.
sadly, this is not very straightforward, as there isn't really support for python windows when it comes to keymapping.

what should work (perhaps not 100% reliable) is add a section for window13000 to your keymap,
as python windows are dynamically assigned a window id, starting from 13000.

for example:
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(2022-04-09, 21:11)ronie Wrote: @arneson it works fine in Estuary, so most likely a bug in Confluence.
Hi @ronie ,

I found out that the list controls 110 and 120 are both visible and the 120 (Song chooser list) is painted over the lyrics list 110.

If I set the visibility in the skin for the 120 list like  "<visible>!Control.IsVisible(110)</visible>" to set this list visible if the lyrics list is not visible
the output is correct.


            <!-- ** Required ** Do not change <id> or <type> (Song Chooser if it gets it wrong) -->
            <control type="list" id="120">
                <itemlayout height="40">
                    <control type="image">
                        <texture border="5">MenuItemNF.png</texture>

Is the song chooser list (Control 120) used from the CU LRC Lyrics addon ?
(2022-04-10, 15:28)arneson Wrote: Is the song chooser list (Control 120) used from the CU LRC Lyrics addon ?

nope, it isn't needed anymore since CU LRC v6.3.0
that code can be safely removed from the skin.
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Doesn't seem to read imbedded files, or read a .txt or .lrc file, even when the TXT or LRC file is located in the same place as the music file. So how do I select a specific lyric file when the song is playing?
cu lrc supports both embedded as well as local lyrics files.

in case embedded lyrics do not work for you, i'm going to need a copy of one of the files so i can test if something is going wrong.
if you would be so kind to share one of your music files on some file sharing website, i'll have a look.

for local lyrics files, make sure these options are enabled in the cu lrc settings:


also, the filename of musicfile and the lyrics file needs to match, so something like:
c:\music\artist\album\01 song.mp3
c:\music\artist\album\01 song.lrc
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Is it possible to activate the animated lyrics Estuary Mod allows on regular Estuary? I’ve been forced to use Xbox One X to run Kodi and Estuary Mod crashes constantly. I have no idea who’d wanr the generic CU LRC dialog when the animated lyrics exist yet there’s no option for them in the regular CU LRC settings from what I can tell.
I wanted to add the crash log info that happens every time when starting up on Xbox One X with CU LRC and Estuary Mod active. Was not getting this error prior to Estuary Mod.

(2022-08-06, 23:36)clubsidedev Wrote: I wanted to add the crash log info that happens
Please post the full log. That snippet is not enough. We need to see the system stats as well as the lead up to the problem
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Here's the full startup version (I went to File Manager as quickly as possible following the error pop-up)

Hi @ronie

Seems that CU Lyrics cannot find my local lyric files (again).
Not sure when it started as I haven't listened to music on my system for quite a while, but on the weekend I noticed lyrics were either wrong or out of sync and then realised my local files were being ignored.
So I disabled all lyric scrapers and only alllowed local lyrics, but still nothing found.

Log starting from Line 1528... https://paste.kodi.tv/naxitiniqu.kodi

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@Karellen have you enabled the option to search for lyric files in the song folder?
see the screenshot i've posted a few posts up.
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(2022-08-16, 18:47)ronie Wrote: have you enabled the option to search for lyric files in the song folder?
see the screenshot i've posted a few posts up.
Thanks @ronie, that was it. I don't know when I would have disabled that setting.
When I initially checked I didn't realise there were two settings that "sound" the same, the first screenshot was enabled, the other wasn't as I didn't look any further thinking I had the correct setting.
What is the difference between the two?


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first one enables searching for files
in second one, you can specify the search location (separate folder or song folder)

it's all but obvious, and updating (rewording) the culrc settings has been on my todo list for a long time...
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Any chance we could get an additional filename format, that includes the album, when saving lyrics to a lyrics folder? This would solve the problem with songs that exists on multiple albums but with different timings, such as studio albums vs live albums.
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