NFO File for individual TV Season descriptions?
I've googled this a few different ways and I can't seem to find an answer. I like my TV Shows set up in media view and I'd like to view the season descriptions when I select a season rather than the show description. What do I need to name the nfo files, where do you put them (in the season folder or in the tv show root folder), and what nfo fields are required to be able to do this (can I just copy the tv show nfo and rename and replot)?
We don't have per season descriptions in XBMC.
oo. That would be why I couldn't find anything. Is that something I could suggest to add to a later release?
Certainly. I can imagine that for some shows it could be particularly useful to have.

EDIT: and on that note, I've moved this thread to the feature request forum :)
Thank you! I appreciate it!
I think this would be a good idea too, also add to that the ability to be able to change where its says what season its is to the name of the season as some tv shows have a season names like heroes for example.
Plus it would be good for odd videos you have but dont/can't have there own series, so you could chuck them together & name them:
Season 1 - Documentry (could have seperate on for this and sub genre them)
Season 2 - Home Video (Agian sub genre option if in own series)
Season 3 - Training or Workout videos for example

Some seasons of a TV show will even have a different plot or completely change the cast of characters.

We would want to get the scraper sites on board with this as well, so that this info can be pulled in automatically as it gets filled out on the internet. Of course, NFO files are always an option for manual entry.
as anal as i am with how things look in my library i never much trust the scrappers i make pretty much all the nfo's myself. but the ability to change out season info is something i've been hunting for myself. just the ability to have a custom season nfo would solve half of my issues.
Out of curiosity is there no officially supported season metadata file?

We at team Media Browser are trying to be as kodi-nfo compliant as we possibly can, but we have the ability to get rich season metadata. So for now we've gone with season.nfo. We will adjust as needed if such a file is introduced by Kodi or already exists. ( I don't think so as I've searched all through the forums and wiki).
Currently no, but feel free to link us to what Media Browser has done. If/when someone takes this on, they might want to just use whatever you guys did for the NFO portion.

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