Rtmp stream

Can someone fix this url to work more than 7 second plz?

rtmp://distribution03.arabtvnet.tv:1935/live?email=carrefour7777%40yahoo.com&password=96eb3da3302fa18b93fce2d9973750bd/260.stream swfUrl=http://atnnetwork.com/webtv/player.swf pageUrl=http://atnnetwork.com/webtv.php

(2012-12-26, 16:25)sammtl77 Wrote: Hello,

Can someone fix this url to work more than 7 second plz?

rtmp://distribution03.arabtvnet.tv:1935/live?email=carrefour7777%40yahoo.com&password=96eb3da3302fa18b93fce2d9973750bd/260.stream swfUrl=http://atnnetwork.com/webtv/player.swf pageUrl=http://atnnetwork.com/webtv.php


234 views 0 response!!!!!!
I don't think there's anything that can be done to the URL since it does play back, even if it is just for 7 seconds. For some reason the server is cutting it off after that, but I don't know why.
(2013-01-01, 21:38)Ned Scott Wrote: I don't think there's anything that can be done to the URL since it does play back, even if it is just for 7 seconds. For some reason the server is cutting it off after that, but I don't know why.

Thank you!
Would this be due to the chunking required by the RTSP/RTMP?

e.g. http://www.wowza.com/forums/content.php?...reaming%29

(2013-01-02, 18:19)edrikk Wrote: Would this be due to the chunking required by the RTSP/RTMP?

e.g. http://www.wowza.com/forums/content.php?...reaming%29

the email in the link is mine, because u have to creat login in this page (http://atnnetwork.com/webtv.php).

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