Android screen
when I go to my xbmc site on my tv the screen is small, how can I fix it? It doesn't fit the size of the full screen tv. Im not computer savvy so I need it to be as easy as possible for me
Can you tell me a little about your setup first:

a/ Which OS are you running XBMC on
b/ Is this a dedicated XBMC box for your TV
c/ What do you have set for System -> Settings -> Video Output: Resolution

Just read the subject title again! I don't have a clue about the Android setup to be honest. System -> Settings -> Video Output: Resolution , might be a good place to start, but actually I don't even know if that setting exists on the Android version.
HTPC RPI3 Kodi 17 (Krypton) v8.0.1 MR
Storage BPI 1x 500GB SSD UPnP server
Display Sony Bravia 32"

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